It’s so much fun to have a wild imagination since it allows you to see things beyond their actual meaning. Who would’ve thought about making a basketball-backboard using a smart TV or even better, make a TV home to a cat? While we may live in the year 2020, people in this article live far, far beyond that.
Today at Bright Side, we found 20 crazy results of human imagination that will make your jaw drop to the floor. Let’s take a look.
1. “I couldn’t pass by these 2 dandelions...”
2. “Excuse me, I need to ride my piece of wood to school.”
3. “One of my students renamed himself ‘reconnecting...’ on our Zoom call and pretended that he was having Internet issues.”
4. “Lost the backboard to your basket? Just use the back of your TV!”
5. A traveling succulent fills the void.
6. “I put doll eyes on my laptop to help create ‘eye contact’ by looking at the camera.”
7. “This monitor/cat bed I found in the wild today at a thrift store”
8. “Dad put coconut shells on stumps to make them look like mushrooms.”
9. “My 12-year-old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding.”
10. “Innovative Japan...”
11. A sofa made from jeans
12. “We’ve seen a squirrel feeder table, but what about a chicknic table?”
14. Everything is possible if you think twice!
15. “My sister made this grill...”
16. “Never seen one of these in the wild before!”
17. “I bought a handful of tiny rubber dinosaurs and made me some tiny, rubber, T-Rex earrings.”
18. “Kept losing my phone, so I made a new case for it.”
19. “Turn an old CD/DVD box into a bagel holder lunch box!”
20. “A Lego key and cable holder!”
21. “My friend made an umbrella holder out of a woman’s handbag and concrete.”
22. It tastes fresher this way.
Which of these “inventions” did you find to be the craziest? Have you ever come up with such superhuman things? Please share your results down below!