20+ Photographers Who Got Extremely Lucky, and Their Shots Speak Louder Than Words

6 years ago

Learning how to take pictures is only half the battle in the modern world. You’ll need some luck to take a one-in-a-million photograph. For example, to notice perfect lines of a sailboat at sunset or take a picture of a bird with transparent wings, you should be in the right place at the right time. If you think that you can’t be surprised, then take a look at these masterpieces.

Bright Side has found 20+ photographs that combine creativity and lucky circumstance into a mind-blowing shot.

“I was lucky enough to catch this picture of a sailboat at sunset!”

Outstanding camouflage

When you realize that they know everything:

This cat has been chosen:

A universal photographer: feeds and takes pictures.

“My friend took a panorama photo and halfway through, it started raining.”

“It all happened too quickly, so I can’t tell if it was a fight or if they were making up.”

“I’m going to start with a bath, and then have a cup of coffee.”

It’s priceless to see a professional at work!

When even a lemur has found its inner balance:

“A double rainbow coming out of a rainbow-colored truck”

“A piano of puppies!”

“I’ll just sit there for a while and will be right back.”

Here comes the Boeing...

It’s just too perfect!

When you have a 5-star taxi ride:

You’ll never be bored with this chameleon:

A sunset reflection on the skyscraper, Boston, USA

Shadow play

When a bird knows its good angle:

The building looks flat from this angle:

When you’re happy about 2 things — a perfect photo and that you’re far away from that place:

Do you have good pictures we could include in our next article? Share them with us in the comments!

Preview photo credit vakula1905 / pikabu


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I love these kind of photos!! A few weeks ago we were on holiday and I took this photo of the tree canopy but when I reviewed it thought it was an earlier one of the lake!

Comment with image on Bright Side

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