Curiously, many things that surround us are merely optical illusions. For example, a rainbow is not at any particular distance from us but is just a reflection of light. It is beautiful and mesmerizing, but, like any other illusion, it does not last long and eventually disappears. Fortunately, today we can capture these things with a camera to prolong these sweet memories.
1. “Old baby. My son just as he plopped down from standing.”
2. Where does this man’s body end up?
3. “Took this weird photo the other day... My phone is playing tricks on me.”
4. “Couldn’t find my phone for the longest time...”
5. “My cat has been impaled, apparently”
6. “My dirty coffee cup looks like a pine forest.”
7. “My purse and this table.”
8. “She wears all 4 legs, except on Sundays.”
10. “View from my camper looks like a painting.”
11. “I wasted a few minutes looking for this.”
12. “Lil’ creature wishes you peace!”
15. “Always scared I’m gonna sit on her by accident.”
16. “Almost couldn’t tell which head belongs to either of my cats.”
17. “My phone case and my wood flooring.”
18. This fungus looks like a foot.
19. “I didn’t know I was missing a leg.”
21. “Shaved Giraffe sitting on haunches, or odd growing Gum Tree?”
22. “My freakishly giant toddler.”
23. “I thought I lost the sock in the drier again.”
25. “Paper-thin building.”
26. Invisibility cloak: on.
27. “Almost can’t see his feet!”
28. “Wondered why my sister was pouring milk on her pickles...”
29. “My cat looks like she has 3 front paws.”
30. There is a dog at the bottom of this glass.
31. “(Old) New top and duvet cover set.”
32. Michael Jackson lives in this dog’s ear.
33. “My coworker’s new dog has an almost perfect street camouflaging expert.”
34. “My cat learned a new trick.”
35. “Maybe windows for a staircase, I don’t know...”
36. Angry rabbit or sleeping kitten?
37. “Did a double take when I saw my reflection in my phone.”
38. “The view in my Airbnb looks like a painting.”
39. “Someone broke the cat.”
40. “I hope you boys like a lady with tiny hands.”
42. This bowl lid will be very difficult to find.
43. “One bench in our city park looks like it’s made of red-hot metal.”
44. “Two-legged giraffe.”
45. “In the subway today.”
47. “Random shoe in a parking lot. I thought it had no soul, but it’s just accidental camouflage.”
48. “He’s actually laying down on the stairs, this photo was taken looking down.”
49. Just a metamorphosis.
50. This bag will be hard to find.
51. “Matching socks to the carpet.”
52. “Big cat or tiny kitchen?”
53. “Thought that was part of her hair, turns out it’s just a guy.”
Check these articles if you like optical illusions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)