My mom used to tell me on my birthday that if I didn't finish my piece of cake, I wouldn't turn a year older.
20 Reddit Users Share Amusing Stories of “What Your Parents Told You as Kid”
A group of researchers did a “Santa Survey” to find out at what age kids start questioning the fantasies or tales told them by adults. The results revealed that the peak age of belief for children is at 5 years old, and then they begin to piece the truth about Santa Claus, for example, when they reach 8-9 years old. But before that stage of skepticism starts, children tend to trust anything their parents say, no matter how wild and illogical it may be.
Bright Side scoured Reddit for some of the funniest fibs that parents told their kids, and they remind us of our own childhood memories and the amusing stories we also believed in.
What story or white lie from your childhood makes you laugh every time you remember it? For the parents, what half-truths have you told your kids?
I get paid over $180 per hour working from home with 2 kids at home.

my mum told me that if i drink too much water i will grow frogs in my stomach, and i was worried it is true especially when i did drink and heard funny noises ( like a splash) from my stomach when i moved suddently.
My Mom told me I looked like a baby monkey when I was born. she said I had hair not only on my head but on my shoulders and back. She said it went away because I was a baby but that it would come back if I didn't behave. I checked for a long time to make sure it hadn't come back when I did something naughty. She finally told me that it was just baby fuzz and that it wasn't gonna come back!
I told my daughter the tall chimney near the university hospital was a crematorium and we need do stop breathing for a moment while passing to not inhale the souls.

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