21 Grandparents’ Wedding Outfits That Radiate Beauty

11 months ago

Choosing the ideal outfit for a couple that is going to walk down the aisle is undoubtedly important but also extremely difficult. It’s not just about looking good, it’s about that outfit representing us and being true to us, our style, and our personality. Many of our ancestors got it exactly right with their choices and, in fact, they chose so well that even today they are the envy of those who are fortunate enough to meet and observe them.

1. “My great-grandparents on their wedding day. She was 22, he was 20. Both lived into the next century.”

2. “My grandparents’ wedding, June 1950”

3. “My grandmother on her wedding day 93 years ago”

4. “My great-grandmother on her wedding day in 1923. She was a badass lady who ran an antique store in Southern California.”

5. “My grandparents on their wedding day in 1951”

6. “My grandma was 16 and pregnant with her first child, and my grandpa was 19. They met on a boat while immigrating to Canada. February 1952”

7. “My great-great-great grandparents on their wedding day in 1901, Germany”

8. “My great-great-grandparents on their wedding day. Belgium, 1911”

9. “My grandparents at their wedding (the 60s, Mexico)”

10. “Wedding shot of my grandparents in front of their fabulous new car”

11. “My great-great-grandparents on their wedding day in 1901”

12. “My grandparents on their wedding day, 1950, New York”

13. “11-11-1949: My grandparents’ wedding day. Nana wore a green dress.”

14. “Here is my Mema and Grandpa Bartoš on their wedding day in 1953. This is the same dress my mama wore on her wedding day in 1981!”

15. “My paternal grandparents on their wedding day, mid-70s”

16. “My grandmother on her wedding day, 1946”

17. “My mom on her wedding day, 1947”

18. “My grandmother in her wedding dress, 1948”

19. “My nanna’s wedding portrait in 1941 — seven months pregnant with my mother!”

20. “Wedding photo of my great-grandmother taken in 1946”

21. “My grandmother Hazel in her silk wedding dress in 1942”

It may be that a classic look is always a safe bet, loaded with glamour and elegance. But what seems to be an undeniable reality is that some of our grandparents looked even better than Hollywood’s most stylish stars.


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