5 Royal Rules That Meghan Markle Has Violated

4 years ago

The wedding of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is definitely one of the brightest events of this year. People started to discuss the couple long before the wedding itself. There had even been talk about their relationship before they announced their official engagement. However, the Prince's bride has turned out to be a rebel because she hasn't strictly followed all the traditions of the royal family.

Today Bright Side is going to tell you which royal customs Harry's wife has violated.

She spoke about their relationship earlier than she should have.

Meghan discussed her relationship with Prince Harry before they were declared official. She announced this to Vanity Fair magazine in September 2017 for the first time. She said that she and Harry were in love and simply wanted to be together. Today it's hard to surprise anyone with information, but according to the traditions of the royal family she was not supposed to do it before the official engagement.

The couple doesn't hesitate to show their feelings in public.

If you look at Kate Middleton and Prince William, it's easy to see that they don't even hold each other's hands in public. While Meghan Markle and Prince Harry don't feel shy about expressing their feelings. They were first seen holding hands during the Invictus Games in Toronto, which happened before their engagement.

She has already been married.

Meghan Markle was married to Trevor Engelson, a film director, in 2013. They had been together for 10 years, 2 of which they were actually married. Much to Harry's and Meghan's happiness, marriages with divorced people are not banned anymore in the royal family. It happened only once when King Edward VIII, who had been reigning for only 10 months, refused the throne for the woman he loved that had been married before.

She comes from an ordinary family.

Unlike Prince William's wife's relatives, Meghan's parents are ordinary people. Her mother (the one in the photo) Doria Ragland, works as a social worker and yoga teacher and her father, Thomas Markle, was a lighting director on the sets of many movies and TV series. Meghan Markle is a girl from an ordinary family that got famous as an actress thanks to her own efforts and talent. She has proved that, if you want, you can achieve everything without having any ties.

She gave a speech at the wedding.

The newly-made Duchess of Sussex gave a short speech at the end of the ceremony where she thanked the Queen, Prince Charles, and other members of the royal family for their warm reception to her and her relatives. She finished her speech with the touching words, "I have found my prince."

No violations of wedding traditions can stop real feelings. It's easy to see that this couple is fully in love and happy.

Which moment of Meghan and Harry's wedding did you like the most? Why? Please tell us about it in the comments!

Preview photo credit eastnews.ru, eastnews.ru


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