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Attachment parenting focuses on the nurturing connection that parents can develop with their kids. And while we know that all parents want the best for their children, there are many ways to raise them and this particular method seems to be gaining in popularity, especially among celebs.
After all, it’s an approach that values physical closeness and high emotional responsiveness to the baby, which is considered to be the ideal way to bring up a secure, independent, and empathetic child.
Bright Side wants to share with you the views of celebrities who opened up about attachment parenting. Here are 8 moms who are the ultimate fans of the 5B’s of this method: Birth bonding, Breastfeeding, Baby wearing, Bed sharing, and Being responsive.
The 47-year-old Hollywood actress might be busy being one of Hollywood’s A-listers, but she certainly prioritizes being super close to her kids. In 2007, Jolie opened up, saying that her third adopted child, Pax, slept in her and then-partner Brad Pitt’s bed. She then added that her eldest son also used to sleep next to her. The actress also revealed that they had ’’family sleep on Sundays’’ where ’’everybody sleeps together.’’
The 46-year-old actress who has 2 boys is very outspoken about her support of breastfeeding and child-led weaning. She has even opened up about nursing her youngest son for 4 years and 3 months, saying that, ’’It was the best nutrition, nurturing, and bonding ever.’’
Bialik believes that parents should listen to their kids and allow them to express themselves, which is one of the cornerstones of attachments parenting. She noted, “it matters that very small people have a voice.”
The 45-year-old actress has an 11-year-old son and swears by attachment parenting, which she defines as “getting back to basics and doing away with excess.” When her son was 10-months-old, Silverstone admitted to pre-chewing his food and loving it, saying “from my mouth to his. It’s his favorite... and mine.”
Furthermore, the doting mom explained that attachment parenting is so necessary in helping the child ’’develop a sense of belonging in the universe.’’ She also noted, ’’You are your baby’s food, solace, entertainment, transportation, and education, and all of that brings you and your baby closer together.’’
The 52-year-old singer is mom to 3 boys. In 2011, when her middle child was 3-years-old, Stefani revealed that she doesn’t like to miss a chance to co-sleep together. She explained, “I don’t want to look back and say, ’Oh my God, I didn’t sleep with Zuma that time because I was too tired,’ so I’ll just snuggle up with him tonight.”
The 49-year-old actress who first became a mother at 38 has a son and a daughter. She is a huge advocate of breastfeeding. When speaking about the female body, she once noted that the world has forgotten its ’’real function’’ which is ’’to feed our babies.’’
The actress also practiced baby-led weaning, and she even revealed that it was hard when her son decided to wean himself at 9 months, because she thought she’d ’’get in at least 18 months of breastfeeding.’’
The 42-year-old singer-songwriter is mom to a boy and a girl. She is very outspoken about the benefits of attachment parenting, saying ’’I support attachment parenting 100%... And have a very happy and healthy little girl to show for it.’’ And speaking about breastfeeding, she declared, “It’s time we support what’s healthy instead of judge it.”
The 48-year-old singer-songwriter, who has 3 kids, is a full supporter of attachment parenting in all its aspects. As a matter of fact, she has experienced home-birth, breastfeeding, and baby-wearing, and has even written a blog about it.
Morrissette believes that if the attachment stage is done well, it will circumvent countless issues later in the child’s life.
The 55-year-old actress gave birth to her only child, a daughter, at 41. Hayek once expressed that breastfeeding is “the best thing you can ever do for your child.”
She is such a big fan of the benefits of breastfeeding that she even once nursed another woman’s newborn son during a trip with UNICEF. The Oscar winner explained, “I just weened my daughter from breastfeeding not long ago, and I said, ’I got milk....’ I sat down, and I breastfed this baby.” Later on, Hayek added that this decision was an attempt to diminish the stigma placed on women for breastfeeding.
Do you agree with these moms that attachment parenting is the best way to raise a child?
Angelina Jolie’s philanthropic endeavors showcase her golden heart. From adopting children to supporting numerous charitable foundations, she’s been a beacon of hope for many. Her efforts span from supporting refugees to fighting cancer, and she’s consistently advocated for women’s rights and health.