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The body-positivity movement has become mainstream and is continuing to spread around the globe. Well-known activists openly share their vision of it and post many reminders to their followers that we are all perfect the way we are. And these sweet messages will truly serve as a major motivation to stop stressing about how we look today and finally start loving ourselves.
We at Bright Side have found some celebrities who can encourage you to believe in yourself and make your body your best friend and buddy.
Jennifer Garner talks about body positivity pretty openly. And some of her advice is really worthy of following. For instance, she mentions that she tried Botox a few times but didn’t like it at all. “I don’t want a frozen face,” said the actress, adding that we must be cautious when it comes to injecting anything into our faces.
She believes we should wait as long as possible before “fixing” anything. “Don’t think that you’re 37 and you need to be shooting up your face,” says Garner and concludes, “Look in the mirror less, obsess less, and look at the rest of the world to see what you could be using your time for instead.” And that’s really the mindset many of us need today.
Ashley Graham is becoming a real body-positive icon today. First, this popular model used her Instagram platform to showcase and celebrate changes in her body throughout her pregnancy. She started sharing photos of her stretchmarks and overall close-up looks, embracing her new body every single day.
After giving birth, she publicly spoke out about her challenges with being labeled plus-size. She emphasized that this label is outdated and too divisive for women today. After all, she says, “It’s not just about our size. It’s about our mind, our heart, our emotions. We get so wrapped up in this size conversation.”
Mindy Kaling has been an advocate for body positivity for a long time. She even posted her bikini photos stating that you don’t have to be a size 0 to wear one. Just wear it whenever you want to. Simple as that.
High-waisted bikinis also don’t worry the actress. She just enjoys her body and embraces summertime, and she encourages others to do the same. Kaling even asks her fans to buy any high-waisted bikini, take a picture, and tag it so she can comment on it.
Demi Lovato came through a real evolution in embracing her body and the way she looks. The singer has a history of eating disorders which made her feel uncomfortable for a long time. But she decided to face some of her difficulties and overcome her troubles.
She revealed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show that she’s been working on herself for the past year. She’s surrendered to the process of just learning to love herself and thinks we can see it all through her pictures. “I post more bathing suit pictures online. I want to show my fans that it’s possible that they can get to that self-love too.”
Jameela Jamil continues celebrating her body, saying that all the ’bits’ of your body are completely normal. Even if you’re told the opposite. We’re human, and we need to thank our bodies today. “It’s your friend. Whether or not fashion and film told you it is.”
She also openly admits that she has stretch marks all over her body. Jamil just renamed them all “Babe Marks” and states they are her badge of honor for “taking up extra space in a society that demands our eternal thinness.”
Lili Reinhart criticized the “Summer Body” culture calling it all toxic. She insists that we “don’t need a flat or perfectly toned stomach to wear a crop top.” Our bodies are ready to enjoy summer no matter what they look like. So some trends or talking should not ever stop us from having fun and a great time whenever we want to.
Lauren Ash says that we have no idea how toxicity can influence our bodies. She fully understands how our bodies react to living in prolonged states of extreme stress, so she encourages everyone to remove it from our lives completely and prioritize our own needs and wants instead.
On her birthday, she wished us all to be kind to ourselves. And she posted it not because she was looking for attention or anything like that, she truly uses her platform to promote self-love and acceptance.
In an emotional Instagram video, Valerie Bertinelli took some time for self-reflection. She openly admits she’s not where she wants to be, body-wise. And she really doesn’t know whether she ever will be there. But still does her best to be cheerful and full of joy.
She concluded the video by saying that we all “can give ourselves permission to feel joy, be intentional about it, and remember to be grateful.” And she is grateful no matter what, hoping her body will follow along.
The Grammy award-winning singer broke all the stereotypes about the typical cover model, though she never wanted to be one. She notes: “I’ve never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines. I represent the majority of women and I’m very proud of that.” And that’s why many people around the globe like her so much.
Kristen Bell also would like to get back down to where she was before her baby. But instead of making herself miserable for the rest of her life, she let her body be where it wants to be. Now she is not worrying much about the way she looks and says she’s not “a woman whose self-worth comes from her dress size.”
What other positive messages do you try to send yourself every day? Have you ever encouraged anyone around to believe in themselves?