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8 Natural Ways to Help Your Skin When It’s Having a Bad Day
Our skin is exposed to numerous harmful factors daily. It is impossible to avoid pollution, sun rays, and dust, and all of them make your skin appear older than it really is. Instead of spending a fortune on expensive cosmetic products, it is time for you to consider using natural remedies to fight acne, hyperpigmentation, and other skin problems. Whilst expensive facials and complicated skincare tools have their place, sometimes the simplest tricks are classics for a reason.
We at Bright Side believe that the old-school natural cures are sometimes the best. That’s why we prepared a list of 8 natural ways for you to give your skin that bright and fresh look it deserves.
1. Try the ancient method of skin icing to tighten your skin.
Skin icing has long been a beauty routine for Asian women. Basically, this is the method of exposing the skin to an extremely cold temperature for several minutes, usually using an ice cube. This way, you can reduce facial puffiness, tighten the skin, and make it appear bright and fresh. Coldness can also reduce pore size, which makes your skin generally smoother.
Tip: be careful to not over-expose your skin to ice as it may cause an ice burn.
2. Treat your skin with a homemade coffee scrub.
Drinking coffee in moderation can surely boost your energy and metabolism, but did you know it can also be a great help to your skin? Antioxidants found in caffeine also have benefits when applied externally. You can combine ground coffee with other ingredients from your kitchen like honey, coconut oil, or milk to make a natural scrub. The paste will exfoliate your skin, and reduce pimples and dark spots, leaving your face smooth and flawless.
3. Use cinnamon as a blood flow booster.
Cinnamon, a must-have spice in many meals could also become a must-use ingredient in your skincare. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities can be your ally in fighting acne and signs of aging. This spice is also well-known for boosting blood flow: treating your skin with a paste made of honey, cinnamon, and yogurt will make it brighter and more even-toned. And, since good circulation means a plumper look, your lips will look fuller.
Tip: Cinnamon may have side effects. Some people are hypersensitive to it, so you should stick to a small amount of it for the first application. Apply the cinnamon paste on a small spot on your skin and if you experience redness or an itch, wash it off immediately.
4. Don’t hesitate to use green tea externally instead of just drinking it.
While the health benefits of green tea can be enjoyed by simply drinking it, applying it to the skin also has its perks. Known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, this beverage is a great treatment for acne-prone skin. But acne is not the only byproduct of a modern lifestyle. Poor sleeping schedules and too much salt in food often results in face puffiness, especially around the eyes. Covering your eyes with green tea bags will help you reduce the swelling.
Tip: If you find ground green tea at your local organic store, you shouldn’t leave the store without buying it! Green tea powder can be an amazing ingredient for homemade face masks.
5. Fight dark eye circles with a baking soda.
If you often struggle with dark undereye circles, you should consider one more kitchen-made mask. Baking soda is famous for its bleaching properties, so combining it with milk can seriously reduce the dark spots. Since sodium also contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities, it can be a useful ingredient in creams for skin irritation and rashes.
6. Use potato juice as a natural bleacher for dark spots on skin.
Since potato is loaded not only with minerals and vitamins but also with calories, many people avoid daily usage of this vegetable in their diet. However, you should by no means skip it in your skincare routine. It may sound strange, but potato juice is a natural bleacher: treat blemishes, sunburns, and dark spots on your skin with this juice and enjoy the results.
7. Calm your body and soothe your skin with chamomile tea.
Many people love drinking a cup of chamomile tea before sleep to calm the body and the nerves. But did you know it also has a calming effect on your skin? Chamomile tea is recognized for its anti-inflammatory qualities and thus washing your face with it is a great natural way to reduce redness and inflammation. Also, you can simply use it as an everyday moisturizer if you have dry or irritated skin.
8. Remove imperfections on skin with banana peel.
Women around the world swear that rubbing a banana peel on your skin can help in solving some of the most common imperfections. They claim it can make acne scars fade faster and become less visible, as well hydrate skin and reduce wrinkles. Keep this in mind and think twice before throwing out your banana peel next time.
Do you prefer buying chemical skincare products or making your own solutions with natural ingredients?

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