9 Household Items That Have Cool and Eco-Friendly Counterparts

Tips & tricks
4 years ago

Today, when buying some products, we often face the question about whether its packaging is recyclable, whether the item can be reused, and most importantly, whether this thing has a natural counterpart. It’s important and necessary to ask these questions because many things that we’re accustomed to using in our everyday lives can be replaced with items that have similar properties and sometimes, with more beneficial ones.

We at Bright Side have made our choice in favor of healthy and environmentally-friendly options, without looking back. And today, we have prepared an article with another list of eco-hacks.

1. Reusable silicone swabs instead of disposable cotton ones

These swabs for ear-cleaning look exactly like the disposable ones we are used to, but one stick can be used about a thousand times. The tips of the reusable swabs are made of medical-grade silicone. After use, all you have to do is wash them with soap and water, and then the swab is ready to be reused again. A silicone stick can’t remove, for example, water from the ear like a cotton swab can, but it does an excellent job when it comes to cleaning.

2. Metal straws for drinks instead of disposable straws

We are accustomed to using straws for drinks everywhere — like in cafes and at home, because it’s convenient and cheap. But they are not very ecologically-friendly. Reusable stainless steel straws can be an alternative. They will last for years and they help reduce plastic waste.

3. Bamboo dental floss instead of artificial fiber floss

Unlike nylon or Teflon dental floss, bamboo floss is completely compostable — it starts to decompose after 60 to 90 days. It’s enough to just make a small hole in the ground and place the used thread there. Also, as you know, bamboo grows very quickly, and it takes less water and energy to grow it and make dental floss from it, than the production of the same floss that is made of plastic requires.

4. Crystal deodorant instead of regular deodorant

This is a great option for those who are looking for an eco-friendly replacement for their usual antiperspirant. Crystal deodorants don’t cover the skin with a film and don’t clog the sweat glands, because they aren’t supposed to completely eliminate sweat production (this is a natural process). These products have antimicrobial properties, and they kill odor-causing bacteria. So you’ll actually sweat, but you won’t have to worry about the smell.

5. Metal chopsticks instead of wooden ones

Asian cuisine has firmly entered our life, and many people have wooden chopsticks at home — some people got them after food delivery, and others bought them on purpose and use them on a regular basis. But think about it — every year, in China alone, 3.8 million trees are cut down to make chopsticks. And metal sticks will serve you for many years without requiring replacement. You can even take them to a restaurant with you and warn the waiter that you don’t need disposable chopsticks.

6. Natural soap and shampoo in paper packaging

In order to not buy beauty products in plastic packaging, you can switch to using solid soap and shampoo. The variety of options has increased dramatically in recent years, and now, you can easily find a solid shampoo that will suit you both with its ingredients and its price. If, for some reason, this option doesn’t work for you, then in some wholesale stores, you can find departments with non-food items and fill the container you brought with you with the necessary product.

7. Soap nuts instead of washing powder

Soap nuts are fruits of the soap tree Sapindus mukorossi, which contain saponins (foam-forming substances). It’s a completely natural and environmentally friendly replacement for washing powder. They are hypoallergenic (essentially, they aren’t nuts and are suitable even for people with nut allergies). One nut can be used up to 6 times. They are odorless and work at any temperature in both hot and cold water.

8. An LED light bulb instead of a regular bulb

LED bulbs are certainly more expensive, but their price will pay off in cheaper energy bills. It lasts 25-35 times longer than a regular light bulb and is more efficient. They also produce far less heat and waste less energy. And this can prevent the need for new power plants and keep the environment safer.

9. A home-grown kitchen sponge instead of a disposable one

Ordinary disposable sponges are made from plastic. But home-grown ones are completely natural and made of luffa, a plant in the cucumber family. You can grow it yourself in your garden and make your own sponges.

What would you add to our compilation? Do you use any products from this list at home?


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I bought some metal straws but to be honest they are really annoying to use, it's just weird to me :D


Oh I actually recommend this number 4 Deodorant, I have used it for quite some time now and I'm a big fan!


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