A Man Saves for Two Years and Surprises Everyone When He Breaks His Piggy Bank

10 months ago

Saving is a great habit that brings many benefits for the future, such as being ready for an unforeseen event, a medical emergency, or possible unemployment. The truth is that not all of us are consistent enough to sustain it for many days. But not so for a man in Monterrey, Mexico, who for two years was constantly filling the piggy bank and surprised the entire Internet with the result.

It was on TikTok where user @Jesnis_extensiones narrated through a series of videos the process of counting all the money her dad had saved for two years. She was at first somewhat skeptical about her father’s savings, whom she saw depositing coins every day.

“He says he has put in about a thousand pesos a week,” Jes mentions in the first of the videos, where you can see that the piggy bank is already full to the brim.

“My dad says that whoever comes closest to the amount of money will receive $500 MXN,” said the user, unleashing dozens of comments trying to calculate the exact amount. There were some who calculated around $100,000 MXN by doing the multiplication of $2,000 MXN per week over two years.

The following video shows the moment when they break the piggy bank revealing that there were coins and lots of bills alike.

“I wish I could have my father’s level of thriftiness,” expressed the user as the whole family gathered around the floor to count what her dad had accumulated in two and a half years.

“This is a lot! I don’t think we’re going to finish soon!” she expressed in a third video where the whole family can be seen together counting money.

“Such willpower not to spend any money!” she added. It can be noticed that there were also dollars and high-denomination bills.

After several hours of counting, they had accumulated around 250,000 Mexican pesos in bills alone, while they decided to weigh the coins because it took a long time to separate them.

In the end, after adding up the coins and adding them to the amount in bills, the total amount of money saved by the man was $324,640 MXN, approximately $19,096 USD.

In the final part of the video, the user confessed that her father is a butcher and that all the money he saved would be used to buy more meat for his business.

Undoubtedly, the tenacity and willpower it takes to be able to consistently save for such a long time is admirable. Some of these videos already have more than 44 million views on the social network, and we hope they motivate more people to start the good habit of saving.

Knowing how to save is a great step to face the future. We have some ideas to help you get started, such as a list of tricks, a list of ways to do it without suffering, and tips to control expenses.

Preview photo credit jesnis_extensiones / TikTok


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