A Man Tried to Intimidate a Woman on the Plane, but She Turned Out to Be a Hard Target

year ago

Alas, we all happen to come across bad travelling companions. The man who spoiled the trip of the woman in this story wasn’t even sitting next to her, but he found a reason to intimidate her anyway. Luckily, the woman found strength to stand up for herself. However, she wasn’t sure whether she did the right thing, so she decided to check it with other people on social media.

This is her story.

“Last week I was taking a 12-hour flight that I had booked months in advance. At the time of booking I paid extra to choose my seats. The seat I chose was $55 extra and right at the front of the plane (trying to arrive somewhere on time upon landing). The seat also happened to be an extra legroom seat, and I am a 4’11” female."

“I check in, board, sit in my seat as usual, but as soon as the seatbelt sign was switched off I had a man come over and ask to change seats.

The first time he asked politely saying that he is 6’4” and flying is painful for him and can we please change seats. I was open to it until I saw that his seat was way in the back of the plane, and so I told him, ’No, sorry, I paid extra to sit up front.’ He kind of got increasingly mad and wouldn’t leave saying that there’s no reason someone of my height needs extra legroom."

“I suggested that he ask the other people in those seats if they could swap, but he refused saying that he wouldn’t want to bother other men or split up couples.

He kept getting rude and angry, so I just called over a flight attendant who told him to go sit down. For the rest of the flight, he would walk past for no reason slamming into me (I was sitting aisle). Was I in the wrong? Should I have swapped with him?”

These are some Internet users’ comments:

  • So, my brother is 6’6″. You know what he does when he has to fly? He makes sure to get an emergency exit row or whatever row has the extra legroom. He usually has to pay for it.
    Any tall person with a lick of common sense knows they have to do this for flights. This tall person knows they will need more legroom but chose to try to get out of paying for it by getting a person to switch. Did tall guy offer her to reimburse her for the extra amount paid? Of course, not. © Jedisilk015 / Reddit
  • This guy tried to attack someone he thought was an easy target (small woman) and refused to pull the same trick on anyone else (men). © NeverLetItRest / Reddit
  • 6’8″ here. Pay for the exit row or first class. I fit in regular seats if I sit upright and don’t lean back. 6’4″ pansy was just trying to sit up front to get off the plane early. What a loser, common courtesy right out the window. © Kinmojo / Reddit
  • We have to be confident enough to speak out and stand out for ourselves. If you don’t do this thing, people will just be rude to you. © potapovkorvalol / Reddit
  • My mum was 4’11’’. She often found that guys thought because she was little, she could be easily intimidated. It was usually pretty entertaining watching them try: she was the master of the quick put down. I suspect this guy picked you because he thought he could intimidate you. © MegC18 / Reddit
  • I’m 5’0’’. In a crowd, people think I’m the path of least resistance. I get bumped, jostled and stepped on a lot. On planes, I’ve had people sit a little sideways to rest their legs into the space in front of me.
    Now that I’m middle-aged I fight back. I rest my feet on their legs. I plant my elbows out. It’s painful sometimes, but the looks! My soul feasts on the shocked looks at my pure audacity of not ceding my rightful space to their wishes. It is worth the bruises I sometimes get. © Kailicat / Reddit
  • The guy literally admitted that he didn’t want to bother other men. He chose to only ask the author because she was a small woman he thought he could push around. And then when he didn’t get his way, he began to physically do so. © old_vegetables / Reddit

What would you do if you were in this woman’s place? And here is the article about some unexpected travel companions.


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