I Will Not Look After My Stepchild During a Romantic Getaway

Do you ever get that feeling that something's not right in your relationship with your family and friends, but you just can't figure out why? We'd like to share with you a technique designed by Marilyn Murray that can help create strong and healthy relationships between yourself and other people.
Today Bright Side shares with you a simple way to deal with even the most complicated situations.
Place everything important to you inside the circles. You need look at your life and assign one item to each circle. Depending on the degree of significance, there can be other people, things, work, or hobbies. The most important thing belongs in the first circle, the least important in the seventh.
First of all it shows that the relationship is co-dependent: the woman is devoting too much of her time to her husband, consequently there isn't any left for herself.
If their child is already an adult and lives on his or her own, then chances are they are where the husband should have been. In this case the child will either live with parents forever or try to start their own family as fast as possible just to escape from home.
Work is also misplaced here, as it takes the circle meant for the child. This usually leads to the couple having no children at all, or depriving them of attention in favor of work.
Mom is where she belongs, no problem here.
The man is too committed to his job and forgets about his family. This relationship can't be called healthy.
Sports replace his wife, which is totally unacceptable and may lead to a whole range of emotional problems, which can cause quarrels and arguments.
Wife replaces the child, which is also wrong as she demands the attention that a child needs. The husband then asks for more control over his wife in return. She doesn't like this, so they fight.
Looking at where the friends are located, it seems they are more important to him that his offspring, which can result in the child feeling unwanted and unprotected by it's father. Usually when the child grows up, the father doesn't become a figure of great authority and significance to him.
These "circles of intimacy" can be used when you feel like your life lacks balance and like your relationships have problems. By completing this test, you can get a clear picture of your life and use it to make corrections and achieve balance.
Have you already found your perfect balance? Share in the comments!