Emma Watson’s Gravity-Defying Dress Is the New Viral Optical Illusion No One’s Able to Solve
If you’ve been on the Internet for the past 10 years, we know for a fact that you’ve encountered “the dress”, which divided people on whether it was blue and black or white and gold. Well, we have a new baffling piece of clothing, which is a dress that Emma Watson recently wore. Her comment section instantly blew up with confused fans, who couldn’t figure out how this dress broke all laws of physics. Let’s investigate further together.
Emma Watson’s dress is bending people’s minds.
The Harry Potter star recently blew up on Instagram all thanks to her highly unusual dress. Watson appeared in a sky blue draped ensemble that completely snapped our minds. We’ve spent a lot of time looking at the dress, but we still fail to figure out what exactly is going on with it.
Don’t get us wrong, Emma looks beautiful, but the way the dress is constructed is leaving us baffled. And we’re not the only ones, many of her fans rushed to the comment section to express their confusion over the lack of gravity surrounding the dress:
- “How is that dress on your body? Hanging from your ears?” — megade***payton_ / Instagram
- “The dress looks like it’s floating. I’m trying to understand.” — desiree8190 / Instagram
- “What in the wingardium leviosa is that dress?” — maglumemes / Instagram
- “Why are you wearing a broken umbrella?” — kennyg_photography / Instagram
We found the origins of the dress.
The mysterious dress is from the brand Loewe. We dug a bit deeper and learned that this fashion house draws a lot of inspiration from surrealism. They have a lot of trippy pieces that play tricks on your eyes, and it’s all part of the brand’s appeal.
To be fair, fashion designers often find new ways to draw attention to their collections, and we’re here for it. Victor & Rolf, for example, recently presented a collection that didn’t fit on their models in the traditional meaning of the term. But don’t take our words for it, check the puzzling designs out for yourself.
She’s so beautiful
Fashion broke my last brain cell

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