The Science-Proven Hack to Fix Your Sleep and Anxiety Problems

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There are struggles in people's daily lives that one may find difficult to handle or manage. It can be feeling stressed when having a bad day, relaxing in an overwhelming scenario or task to do, or even falling asleep at night. But there is a method that you can use to help you deal with the said struggles. This article will delve into the breathing technique, also known as the relaxing breath.



Inspired by well-known Pranayama exercises, the 4-7-8 breathing technique was popularized by Dr. Andrew Weil in 2015 and has helped many people better their lives by encouraging relaxation for people who deal with stress, anxiety, and other issues. It involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds. It is said that this particular rhythm balances the autonomic nervous system of the body, fostering a feeling of calmness and serenity.

As Dr. Weil indicates, the 4-7-8 breath is the ideal portable stress reliever since it makes the practitioner relaxed almost instantly, takes very little time, requires no special equipment, and can be performed anywhere.

Step-by-step guide to practicing 4-7-8 breathing

This technique can be performed in any position; however, while learning the exercise, sit with your back straight. Throughout the entire exercise, press the tip of your tongue against the tissue ridge directly below your top front teeth. If it feels strange, try slightly pursing your lips as you exhale through your mouth around your tongue. Follow these steps, according to Dr. Weil:

  1. Exhale entirely through your mouth, producing a whooshing sound
  2. Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
  3. For seven counts, hold your breath.
  4. Give a whooshing sound to the count of eight as you release the entire breath through your mouth. This is one breath.
  5. Now take another breath and do this three more times, making four breaths in all.

The 4-7-8 breathing technique helps promote relaxation by influencing the nervous system that controls heart rate, digestion, and respiration. It works by counteracting stress and encouraging calmness. This is the science behind this technique.

Inhaling deeply for four seconds activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps the body relax. Holding the breath for seven seconds enhances oxygen flow and increases carbon dioxide levels, which can further calm the mind. Finally, exhaling slowly for eight seconds helps lower the heart rate and reduce the fight-or-flight response, promoting a sense of peace and relaxation.

What are the benefits?

According to othership US, there are 7 benefits in practicing 4-7-8 breathing:

  1. It improves sleep. The 4-7-8 breathing method is a popular way to fall asleep because it helps relax the body and quiet the mind. Many people with trouble sleeping use it to unwind, similar to other deep breathing exercises. A 2015 study found that slow breathing helped insomnia sufferers by reducing vagal activity, making it easier to sleep. This supports the 4-7-8 method as a helpful tool for those struggling with insomnia.
  2. Relieves stress and anxiety. The 4-7-8 breathing method is also great for reducing anxiety. A 2018 study found that breath control exercises help activate the parasympathetic nervous system, easing stress and anxiety. This supports using 4-7-8 breathing as a calming technique.
  3. Calms panic attacks. It can help calm panic attacks by reducing stress and anxiety. It is suggested to use this technique to alleviate symptoms associated with panic attacks, stress, and anxiety.
  4. Improves breathing. The 4-7-8 breathing technique can help improve the respiratory system by promoting slow, deep breathing through the nose. A 2019 study found that it reduced breathing difficulties in COPD patients, suggesting it can enhance breathing efficiency.
  5. Lowers blood pressure. This technique can help lower blood pressure by promoting relaxation. A 2023 scoping review examined the impact of slow breathing exercises on individuals with hypertension. The findings indicated that such exercises can serve as a non-pharmacological approach to reducing blood pressure, supporting its use for heart health.
  6. Helps manage food cravings. If you have trouble controlling food cravings, the 4-7-8 breathing technique may help. A 2017 pilot study found that slow-paced breathing exercises delayed hunger in participants. This has led experts, including Dr. Weil, to recommend the 4-7-8 method for managing cravings.
  7. Helps control emotional responses. A 2017 study found that diaphragmatic breathing improved attention, reduced negative emotions, and lowered stress levels in healthy adults. Participants had better focus and less cortisol, a stress hormone, suggesting that this breathing technique can boost mental and emotional well-being.

Additionally, diaphragmatic breathing (DB) has been shown to improve exercise capacity and respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It may also aid in reducing stress; treating eating disorders, chronic constipation, hypertension, migraine, and anxiety; and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with cancer and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Moreover, DB can improve cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with heart failure. However, the overall effectiveness of DB in clinical practice remains uncertain due to the limited quality of existing studies.

If you want to start incorporating the 4-7-8 breathing technique in your routine, it is recommended to start with four cycles of 4-7-8 breathing twice a day to get used to it. As you become comfortable, increase up to eight cycles per session. If using it for sleep, you may fall asleep before finishing. Practicing daily enhances its benefits.

Caution: This technique can cause deep relaxation and drowsiness, so always do it while sitting or lying down to prevent dizziness. If you have respiratory issues or other health concerns, consult a doctor before starting.

Dr. Olivia Hsu Friedman, a doctor of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine at Amethyst Holistic Skin Solutions, advocates that eczema sufferers use breathwork as a way to prevent stress.

“This technique can be a great tool for nights when sleeping is difficult, whether because of itching, feeling hot or having a racing mind,” Dr. Friedman stated. “Instead of looking at the clock and wondering when you’re gonna fall asleep, this technique reduces your heart rate and blood pressure, which makes your body better able to fall asleep.”

“Stress is unavoidable in life whether or not you have eczema,” Dr. Friedman added. “But the best lessons I’ve learned to manage my life came from having to live with eczema. It forced me to turn my stress into good habits, which set me up well for the rest of my life.”

Some Reddit users share their personal experience with the said technique.

  • Just wanted to share that I’ve been suffering for a couple of years from mild anxiety/bad anticipation of events/worry in some situations, and nothing I’ve done (meditation, cold showers, physiological sigh, wim hof method) helped me the way that 4-7-8 breathing did.
    4–8 cycles in the morning, 4–8 cycles before bed, as Dr. Weil recommends (‘Dr Weil explains how to do his 4-7-8 breathing technique’ on YouTube). I suggest every one of you to try it, as it’s giving me IMMENSE benefits only 4 weeks since starting practicing this method. Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful life. © Cptnerolol / Reddit
  • As both a breather and a facilitator, I can say I've had incredibly positive outcomes with certain styles of breathwork. There have been a small handful of times where it hasn't been that helpful, however, I have found most of my intentional practice to be highly transformational.
    I have done the 4-7-8 breath for years now as a practice to bring down my levels of anxiety and to decrease cravings. I have also participated in breathwork events in small groups and online, where I've allowed myself to dive deep into my body and emotions and have been able to process difficult experiences, guided by a breathing practice and group support.
    As a facilitator, I've been able to support and witness countless people have different kinds of experiences from "nothing" to "I've experienced life energy." As well as everything in between.
    I believe that breathwork, when done with resources, support, and intention, has the capability to change how you experience things (like emotions) and bring you perspective and new practices on how you react to situations.
    No practice will ever be "perfect"; however, I believe that if done with positive intention and with the right people, it can be incredibly powerful and transformative. © ECWAMMP / Reddit

The effectiveness of this breathing technique can be inferred from the information provided above. Its benefits for sleep quality, managing stress and anxiety, and even health impacts like digestion were found to be helpful. You may start practicing it as a relaxation method; just keep in mind the cautions and considerations to be aware of.

Find out other tips for relaxation and mood improvement with this link.


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