I Tracked My Daughter’s Phone and Discovered a Disgusting Secret

Mothers-in-law can be a blessing or a challenge, it all depends on the situation. Speaking of family drama, Emily has shared her recent experience with us, and it’s quite a story. Read it and let us know what advice you’d give.
Hi Bright Side,
I asked my MIL to watch my 4-year-old son for just two hours. I had an appointment, my husband was at work, and she swore she’d be happy to help. I thought, “She’d never let anything happen to him.” But I was wrong.
I got home, I saw my son sitting on the front steps alone, clutching his little stuffed dinosaur. His face lit up when he saw me, but my heart dropped. Where was my MIL? I ran to him, checking him over. He was fine, just a little confused. “Grandma said she’d be right back,” he told me.
I rushed inside. No MIL. No note. I grabbed my phone and called her. She answered cheerfully, “Oh, don’t worry! I just ran out for a quick gluten-free salad. He was fine for a few minutes!”
A few minutes? My son was alone outside! What if he wandered off? What if someone took him? I was shaking with anger.
When she finally strolled back, I lost it. “How could you just leave him? Anything could have happened!” She just waved me off, “I was gone ten minutes, tops. He’s not a baby anymore.”
I told my husband everything, and to my surprise, he was furious too. We agreed—she’d never babysit again.
Now, she’s playing the victim, acting like I’m the unreasonable one. She keeps saying, “I raised three kids! I know what I’m doing!”
But do I even need to explain why this was so wrong?
Was I overreacting?
— Emily
Before you go, don’t forget to check out another interesting read! Demi Moore’s latest post has fans worried after they noticed a surprising detail. See what’s causing the buzz.