My Sister Refuses to Wear a Bra to My Wedding, and I Don’t Know What to Do

7 months ago

wedding is a special moment for every woman, and it is important that everything ends up perfectly. But sometimes, people in their own family can complicate things. That’s the case in today’s story. A bride-to-be wants her sister to wear a bra, but she refuses. She asked people’s opinions on what to do, and the diverse answers got us thinking.

She shared her story.

I love my sister. Truthfully, I’m obviously not going to kick her out if she doesn’t wear one, but she really, really, really needs to.

My sister is well-endowed and hates bras. When she’s wearing certain items like baggy t-shirts, it’s not so noticeable, but in the dress (that she chose, I just gave her a color) she’s wearing at my wedding it will be very, very obvious she’s not wearing a bra and one wrong move, and she could be flashing everyone. Not only does it look bad, but it’s also borderline inappropriate.

I told her let’s go shopping, and she can try a bunch of different ones, I even found a boutique in our area because stores carry very few options in her size and said I’d pay for whatever she picked out.

Now she’s saying I’m playing into sexist stereotypes. I’m saying that there’s a good chance if you dance too hard in this dress, your titty is going to pop out, and I don’t think that’s sexist. Am I wrong?

But she got mixed answers.

  • “If she doesn’t want to wear a bra at an official event, she needs to choose the dress that allows it. If she chose the dress that is a tight fit, thin, see-through, or with noticeable cleavage — she needs to wear a bra.” Ok_Yesterday_6214 / Reddit
  • “Wearing a bra for a few hours is not the end of the world. Plus, I bet she’ll have more fun if she’s not having to worry about accidentally letting a nip slip during the vows!” Zestyclose-Skirt-555 / Reddit
  • “As someone busty, bras are painful and can leave bruises and even cuts no matter how well they fit just from sheer weight. So unless you are willing to wear shoes that’ll cut your toes for hours, don’t assume it’s just that easy. She does need to find a better dress, from the sounds of it. I always wear stuff with wide straps, so I don’t have to worry about flashing anyone.” Different-Leather359 / Reddit
  • “Part of going to a wedding is dressing appropriately. If she’s one wrong move from a nip-slip, she’s not dressed appropriately. I say this as someone who hasn’t worn a bra in years and physically can’t stand it.” Natural_Garbage7674 / Reddit
  • “You’re going on a wild assumption that your sister doesn’t want to flash everybody at your wedding. She knows her body better than you. If she doesn’t think it is a problem, then it probably isn’t. There is so much pearl-clutching about breasts. There is nothing inappropriate about the natural shape and movement of a breast.” Mean-Impress2103 / Reddit

We hope they find a way to make both happy. But this wasn’t the first time a wedding went viral. Recently, the model Ellie Gonsalves sparked controversy for wearing a dress that left little to the imagination. She was judged, but at the end of the day, the ceremony went how the couple dreamed of.

Preview photo credit Technical_Weight4608 / Reddit


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