21 Regrets Men Have From Their Youth and Want to Pass On as Advice

Tips & tricks
month ago

It may sound clichéd, but hindsight is 20-20, which means there is plenty of stuff you wish you did better, when you were younger. The realization of it all comes much later. So here go some really cool older men, celebrity or otherwise, who have self-care tips to offer younger people (and their own younger selves). Errors are human, but to learn from another's mistake has to be divine, right?

Tom Cruise is quite a legend, still managing to do most of his stunts, even at 62. He's still a bona fide action star, and one advice he'd give his younger self, is simply to “enjoy the ride!”

Here go more great tips from Redditors:

  • Just walk. Don't mind the 10,000 steps goal. Don't even worry about exercising (though you should). 5000 steps is not that much, and it's astounding how many people don't even get that in. Being somewhat active vs. not at all is SO much more important than actually getting to the gym.
    Just walk. Get one of those cheap fitness watches that really doesn't do anything but tell time, count steps, and buzz you when you've been sedentary too long; I don't care how many miles you go nor calories you burn… Buzz your wrist and go walk around the block.
    seobrien / Reddit
  • Only 41, but fellas moisturizer on the face after every shower, use the good stuff the ladies use and you will look younger. Unknown author / Reddit
  • Going to a counselor for anxiety… granted, I didn't know I had anxiety, I thought everyone worried as much as I did. Guess I could point the finger at my parents because it was more than a bit obvious by 1st grade that it was more than “Oh, he's just a little nervous.” depreavedindiference / Reddit

Brad Pitt may be 61, but with age, it seems his appeal has only increased for fans, globally. His self-care advice is more mental, and all the cooler for it, as he would like to tell his younger self, “It’s going to be all right. That’s it. It’s relative, all right, that phrase, all right. But it’s going to be all right.”

More from Redditors:

  • If you wear any type of facial hair, for sure use beard oil and balm. The stuff helps tremendously. Thresher_XG / Reddit
  • Make new male friends in [your] 30s and 40s. I was so busy raising a family and working that I neglected to maintain an inner circle of friends, and it shows… Unknown author / Reddit
  • Go to the doctor any time you need to, and don’t be embarrassed to talk about anything that’s bothering you. Your doctor’s job is to help you, not judge you. There is no shame in being sick, physically or mentally, and there is nothing strong or manly about not getting treatment for your problems. JeffreyPetersen / Reddit
  • Don't get more judgmental as you get older or think you're so much wiser b/c you hit a certain age. As a GenX guy who just hit 50, I fully understand the OK Boomer “movement” b/c they were our parents, so we've already heard all that “when you're older you'll know better” nonsense.
    They don't. Most adults are faking competence and wisdom. When they pick on kids, their opinions and their culture, it's just because they're old and resentful. concentratedEVOL / Reddit

At 63, George Clooney is still one of the hottest men in Hollywood. His take on life is simple, “I got a really good lesson in how little so much of this has to do with you. And the older you get, the more you’re able to look at it and go, well, it’s not my brilliance that made this thing a hit, and it’s not my stupidity that made this one flop. There’s all these elements, and you’re able to be a little more reflective. You take less credit for the good, and you take less credit for the bad.

Meanwhile, here are more hacks from Redditors:

  • Extend your social network and understand that shared experiences in a social group are an important part of mental health. BcTheC****L*** / Reddit
  • Stretching / yoga. Flexibility is a great way to prevent serious injury, and you lose flexibility as you age. Try doing a simple yoga routine on YouTube 1-2x a week to start. kukukele / Reddit
  • Definitely look after your skin. A good moisturizer with sunblock. Also, glasses to not only protect your eyes but helps prevent squinting lines! clogs77 / Reddit
  • Have a pet. brownmanatwork / Reddit
  • Say no. Not overworking, staying with friends or GFs too long, over committing, etc. “No” is a complete sentence and it’s ok. Unknown author / Reddit
  • Wear earplugs to concerts. Tinnitus sucks, even though mine is mild. etz-nab / Reddit

At 52, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has a finger in many pies — from wrestling to acting, to having his own brands — he's proved that perseverance can turn into a massive success story. His advice to his younger self is simple, “I’d go to the gym. Because it made me feel like I had some accountability, like I could change my life.”

More hacks from Internet users:

  • Journaling daily. Get those thoughts out of my mind and into paper. Remember to write about the positive too! BTW_The_Names_Marcus / Reddit
  • Sleep. Go to bed near the same time every day. Wake up near the same time every day. Haven't used an alarm clock in over 10 years (unless I'm catching a flight or something like that). Sleep is so important. Unknown author / Reddit
  • I have a beautiful family. My wife and I are planning to grow old together, and our children have flown the coop. We now have grandchildren too and it's all wonderful. It sounds ideal.
    Everything is great except for the fact that I have been hiding a massive secret from my family, and the stress is getting to me. I had an affair and have a daughter. I am dreading telling my family, and I wish I hadn't made this mistake or dragged it on by not confessing it all to my family.
    I don't know what to do. Don't mess up.
  • I am almost of retirement age. I've had a good career, and it earned me enough wealth to live comfortably. My wife and I divorced amicably, and my kids are grown, leading their own lives. I have no responsibilities.
    Everyone calls me lucky, but to be honest, the thought of retiring terrifies me because I have nothing to do. I don't have hobbies or any interests other than my job, and the thought of sitting idle is a tough one. Always have a Plan B, guys.

If you liked these simple but actionable pieces of advice, try these food hacks that will help you fight fatigue, and be more productive.


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