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As a famous song says “it’s the most wonderful time of the year!” Everyone’s leaving their homes to go and visit their families, and you are one of those people! You take a final look around your house before you head out, lock your door and leave.
But wait! I have an important warning for you! Did you know that statistically, most burglaries happen before the holidays begin? Especially on the 5th, 6th, 11th, 17th, and 18th of December.
That shouldn’t be too surprising, though. By the end of November or the beginning of December, your house starts to fill with brand-new presents. Maybe you have bought an expensive necklace for your mother, the latest tech gadget for your father, and a bike for your nephew. These make a small fortune, wouldn’t you agree? I can already see the dollar signs in the burglars’ eyes... Your home becomes most vulnerable in the late afternoons or early evenings after the sun sets. Burglars act quickly before you come home from work.
Weekend evenings are also when the most burglaries are reported. And when you’re out at parties or dinners burglars know they can take their time since it’s likely you will be out until late hours. And if you’re away, then there’s no escaping your faith. But there are some precautions you can take to offer fewer clues about your belongings and whereabouts to burglars. And no, they don’t involve throwing fake parties with cardboard people...
First things first... We always tend to place trees by the window, right? It makes everything feel cozier and there’s a certain charm to displaying your wonderfully decorated tree to the people who pass by your street. Well, that’s actually a big no-no if you want to keep your place safe. Also, it’s not advised to keep your gifts under the tree as well as near the windows or any obvious places for days until it’s finally time to open them. Because this will allow burglars to quickly locate these items of value. Seeing the tree is already set from your window might get them to start watching over your house as they wait for you to leave, so they can finally break in.
Whether you’re going to be at home for the holidays or you’re going to be away, it will always be a clever idea to put your lights on a timer. If you’re going to be on the road, have them turn on during the hours you would normally be home so that your place doesn’t appear empty.
The timer will also come in handy if you’re just going to visit a place for only a few hours. If you’re not able to get a timer, you can always leave some lights on to make the house seem somehow occupied. Burglars might eventually realize that there is no one in the house since nobody would be closing them, but it can still save you some time if you’re going on a short vacation. And remember, the cost of leaving the lights on will always be lower than the cost of a break-in.
On a related note, if you’re one of those people who power their outdoor lights with extensions that go through the windows and connect to the inside of the house, you might want to stop doing that. Since this might prevent windows from being properly closed and secured, it will make it a lot easier for any burglar to break in. Instead, you can always use battery-operated lights.
You may be inclined to post photos of your parties, dinners, and gatherings on social media to show your new dress or just how much fun you’re having to your followers, but I advise you not to do that. At least wait until the event is over and you are home.
Because that would be declaring that your home is empty and ready for burglars to break in if anyone is targeting you. The more offline you are, the safer you and your house will be. Even if your social media accounts are set to private sharing your location, status and so on might still cause you trouble because what if the burglar is also a hacker...?
Having a hidden spare key outside your house comes with benefits when you forget yours at the office or drop them through the elevator holes... However, that will only make the burglars’ jobs easier. Even if they don’t know where they are, there’s a good chance that with a quick search of the usual places people hide their keys, they will be able to find them. What you can do instead is to give them to a trusted neighbor or a friend to keep until you are back and ask them to check your house from time to time, or better, every day!
And if you can ask that neighbor or friend if they can pick up your packages while you’re away, that will add another layer of protection for your house. Some online orders or mail may not arrive on time — especially during the holidays when the delivery companies get super busy. And if they arrive when you’re not home, there’s a good chance that the delivery person will just leave them by your door.
When the packages and letters keep building up on your porch, they will not only help burglars understand that no one’s home, but they can also invite strangers to grab your boxes... To avoid this, you can track them and let your neighbors know when they will arrive. By the way, the same thing goes for any scheduled deliveries such as newspapers, magazines, or bills as well.
Before you leave the house, take photos of your valuable items such as jewelry, artwork, and electronic devices as well as record their models and serial numbers. This will not help you stop burglars from breaking into your house in any way, but it will come in handy if they indeed do break in and steal stuff. This way you will know what is missing from your collection and will be able to show pictures to the police, which in return will make it easier for them to locate the stolen items.
Burglars often look around to try and find a ladder, any garden equipment, or any store tool that will help them break a door or a window to get inside your house. That’s why you should securely lock stuff like these inside sheds or garages. Once you do that, it will become much harder for the burglars to figure out ways to break things or climb to windows, and while they do that someone can notice their suspicious activity and make them run away without completing their crime.
Even if you’re living in a place with hot weather, never leave windows open in rooms that you’re not using even if you’re at home. And make sure they are all closed tight before leaving the house. You can always use window locks and replace fly screens with security meshes.
After the holiday ends, it’s important that you don’t pile the boxes of your expensive presents outside your house, near the trash bin. If you do, the burglars will not only learn what you have received but will also get tempted to break in — especially if they see you have an item they want. They might also assume that you will likely replace the stolen item, and this may encourage them to break in for a second time. What you should do instead is to cut the packages before throwing them into the trash. Or you can also burn them in the fireplace to keep the house cozy and safe!
Last but not least, it’s always beneficial to have an intruder alarm no matter what time of the year it is. And just having it is not enough. You have to remember to use it. Unfortunately, many people who have an alarm don’t bother setting it unless they are going on a vacation. Setting your alarm should become a habit. Make sure to use it whenever you go out as well as whenever you come in since there is always a chance that burglars might break in while you’re sleeping in your bed, too. So, have you checked all the precautions off your list? Good! Then happy and safe holidays!