Double Blessings: Woman Was Shocked to Give Birth to Twins and Triplets

Family & kids
11 months ago

They say thunder never strikes twice in the same place. But with Monique Davaul, it did — and with a bonus. Already a mom of twins, Davaul recently gave birth to triplets. And now she is a proud mom of a big family.

Now that she welcomed fraternal triplets, Jihad, Mielle, and Noelle, Monique Davaul is a happy mother of 6. But that’s not all: two of her other kids are already twins.

Before discovering she was carrying triplets, a co-worker even joked, “You know what, maybe you’re having twins again or, better yet, triplets.” And he was right.

Luckily for her, she already knew what the experience of being pregnant with more than one baby was like. So when she started to feel very sick, she began to suspect it was another set of twins. She thought, “It’s either a girl, or I’m pregnant with multiples.”

Although rare, studies agree that mothers with twins are likelier to have a new pair. This happens because their wombs are prepared to sustain this type of pregnancy. And for Davaul, that seemed the case. She mentioned that both of her pregnancies were done without the help of fertility drugs.

Nurses from the hospital said in an interview that they were “so proud to have been a part of this special moment for this family.”

With the help of her other kids and her husband, Davaul is now at home with her family.

Moms with a high number of babies often become viral. But the truth is that it doesn’t matter if you’re a mom of 14, or a mother of 1, this is the most demanding job anyone can ever face.


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