Victoria Beckham Breaks Silence on David’s Alleged AFFAIR and the Pain She Felt Because of It

Victoria Beckham has opened up for the first time about her feelings after her husband David’s alleged affair. Posh Spice candidly spoke of the pain she suffered after the claims about David’s unfaithfulness and how their iconic marriage nearly fell to pieces because of the adultery.

Victoria and David shared their personal drama in the Netflix series.

The sensational documentary about Beckhams has recently been launched on Netflix. It consists of four episodes and is named Beckham. The documentary tells about David and Victoria through their personal and public lives, and covers their own history through the candid interviews of the couple.

In one of the interviews, Victoria spoke for the first time about an enormous pain she went through as a result of the claims about her husband David’s alleged affair with Rebecca Loos. The ex-Spice Girl even broke down in tears as she revealed it was the “hardest” time of her life. The series also include an interview about what David’s mother really thought about Victoria, the woman who became David’s doting wife and mother of his kids.

20 years ago, the name of David’s alleged lover became a household name.

David and Victoria may have gone down in history as one of the most stable and loving couple. But their happy union has been no stranger to various affair rumors. A TV star Rebecca Loos woke up famous one morning after claims she had an affair with David Beckham.

Rebecca is a former glamour model, who received Dutch citizenship through her father, a Dutch diplomat, though she originates from Spain.

She has become popular after she appeared in The Farm, Extreme Celebrity Detox, Temptation Island and The X Factor: Battle of the Stars. But Rebecca seriously hit the headlines in 2004, after the rumors about her affair with the football megastar started spreading. At that time, Rebecca was working as David’s personal assistant.

Now, Rebecca Loos has a very different life, though she nearly broke the celebrity union apart.

The affair scandal, which is now 20 years old, might have given a good start to Rebecca’s career. But things turned a different way for the woman, who nearly put an end to the happy marriage of David and Victoria. Now, the alleged affair with David Beckham is only a distant memory for Ms Loos, 46, who totally ditched the hustle and bustle of a big city life. She met her Norwegian doctor husband during the reality show 71 Degrees North and has now built a happy family of her own.

She has moved to Norway and fully dedicated her time to doing yoga, running, biking and hiking. She’s a happy mom of 2 sons and an avid fan of a healthy and active lifestyle, which she now promotes in her Instagram.

Victoria, in her turn, still has a bitter aftertaste because of the “femme fatale” Rebecca Loos.

David and Victoria, who married in 1999 and now have four children, have always denied the claims about David’s alleged affair. But in the interviews from the Beckham documentary, the ex-Spice Girl honestly reveals that the allegations nearly ruined their happy relationship.

Victoria describes that period as a “total nightmare” and even calls it a “circus,” and mentions that this was nearly the hardest period for them both. Mrs Beckham recalls, that both she and David felt like the whole world was against their couple, adding that, in fact, the happy spouses were even against each other during that time.

On the other hand, Victoria mentions that, standing together against everybody else somehow made their family even stronger. She proudly tells that, no matter what, they were together, and they had each other, which was a good soil for their feelings.

She describes that time precisely, saying, “It was an absolute circus — and everyone loves it when the circus comes to town, right? Unless you’re in it.”

David also had something to say about their family crisis.

David also spoke about his feelings when his alleged relationship with Ms Loos was revealed in a newspaper. During that time, Victoria stayed in the UK, because they wanted their sons Brooklyn and Romeo to stay in their schools. This decision made David feel lonely, and he reveals that he really struggled.

At that time, he first moved to Spain, and his life was difficult because he was very demanded, and he got sold overnight. What made things worse for David, was that he didn’t have his family beside him. He describes their relationship at that time, as like they weren’t losing each other but drowning.

Answering the question about how their marriage survived, Beckham revealed how he feared playing football while Victoria struggled to find a solution through their family crisis. He says, “I don’t know how we got through it, in all honestly. Victoria is everything to me, to see her hurt was incredibly difficult, but we’re fighters and at that time we needed to fight for each other, we needed to fight for our family.”

David concludes, that what they have now, was worth fighting for. Despite feeling physically sick every day, he managed to overcome their family shipwreck together with his wife.

And here’s an article about David and Victoria as parents, and one of their unique parenting approaches made people crazy and amazed at the same time.


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