VIDEO: Pizza Chain Set to Deliver Food by JET SUIT but There Is a Catch

10 months ago

To cater to the appetites of a big crowd in the Glastonbury festival, a Pizza chain has introduced an unprecedented trial of a delivery service employing advanced jet suits. Revelers attending the event now have the opportunity to place orders for their preferred pizzas, which will be transported directly to them using cutting-edge jet pack technology.

The initial video footage capturing the Jet Suit delivery surfaced recently, showcasing a pilot suspended in mid-air near the Glastonbury pizza establishment while donning a specially tailored jetpack.

Following the preparation of the order, the delivery pilot carefully placed two pizzas inside a modified delivery box positioned atop the jet suit. With hands securely positioned within the jet-engine powered arm mounts, the pilot propelled into the sky with a powerful blast-off.

Subsequently, the delivery pilot gracefully glided above the Glastonbury fields, skillfully delivering pizzas to satiate the hunger of camping attendees before returning to the store. The attendants stood in awe as they observed the delivery driver soaring over fields adorned with hedges, carrying pizzas and sides in a specially designed delivery box.

Natalie Dixon, an individual en route to the festival, expressed her astonishment, stating, “Seeing a jet suit thing fly over Glasto was wild. I’ve never seen a jet suit, let alone one delivering pizzas. I can’t wait to see one land on my doorstep in the future.”

Sam Wilson, the Director of the Jet Suit Deployment, explained, “When we realized pitching up to serve slices inside the festival was impossible, we took inspiration from this years’ headliner to launch our own rapid delivery trial — it was a bit of a no brainer.”

He further added, “Every year we see huge numbers of random requests from festival goers trying to sneak pizza into the party, so this year we wanted to take a giant step towards and trial our very own rocket man service to help hungry campers get a slice of sky-high satisfaction in the future.”

Regarding the possibility of expanding the new delivery service into a nation-wide fleet powered by rockets, the company teasingly remarked, “All we can say at this stage is that the idea has legs...or wings...or jets.”

To guarantee the pizzas’ delivery in a hot and fresh state, the Jet Suits, each valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, underwent customization.

A representative commented, “Keeping pizza piping hot using the Jet Suit is definitely an unusual utilisation of our tech and pizza isn’t in our normal flight plan. But being able to exceed the average delivery time by flying through the Somerset fields and feed campers with the pizza delivery experts certainty shows the future of a fast delivery service.”

This pizza chain now became the pioneering pizza company worldwide to implement Jet Suit deliveries. However, this wasn’t the first time where they got creative with their designs and surprising ideas.


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