“What Happened to Her Face?” Amy Schumer Leaves Fans Concerned as New Pics Surface

7 months ago

Amy Schumer recently made an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. The actress discussed season two of her show Life & Beth. However, it wasn’t her show teasers that caught everyone’s attention. Fans were abuzz with discussions about Schumer’s appearance, particularly her face looking different, and raised concerns about her health. Some experts weighed in on the matter as well.

Fans speculate about “moon face”.

Wish people would be kinder to celebs. I think Amy is adorable and if she's having problems, leave her alone.


Amy Schumer’s recent appearances on The Tonight Show and Good Morning America to promote the new season of Life & Beth have sparked comments about her face appearing “puffier.”

Fans’ speculation revolves around a condition known as “moon face,” which can occur due to factors like weight gain or fluid retention. Despite the attention on her appearance, Schumer remains upbeat, appreciating the engagement and discussion around her looks, which she’s been subject to for nearly two decades in the public eye.

In a viral tweet, a person urged doctors to comment on what they think about Amy’s health. Many experts chimed in and spoke on the matter. “That’s a steroid to treat illness. Let’s be kind and mind our own business,” tweeted one. “Looks like prednisone. I’ve had moon face from prednisone. It’s pretty awful to experience,” added another.

Amy responded to the comments about her.

Schumer, 42, took the comments in stride, addressing them with honesty and humor. She thanked everyone for their feedback, acknowledging that her face does look puffier than usual. Her response shows her resilience and ability to handle criticism with grace. “...thank you so much for everyone’s input about my face! I’ve enjoyed feedback and deliberation about my appearance as all women do for almost 20 years. And you’re right it is puffier than normal right now. I have endometriosis an autoimmune disease that every woman should read about. There are some medical and hormonal things going on in my world right now but I’m okay. ”

She continued advocating self love, — “Historically women’s bodies have barely been studied medically compared to men. The book ‘all in her head’ does a good job explaining this. I also believe a woman doesn’t need any excuse for her physical appearance and owes no explanation. But I wanted to take the opportunity to advocate for self love and acceptance of the skin you’re in. Like every other women/person some days I feel confident and good as hell and others I want to put a bag over my head. But I feel strong and beautiful...”


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