What the Characters of “Sex and the City” Look Like in the New Sequel of the Series

3 years ago

The first season of Sex and the City premiered 23 years ago, and now we’re happy to see the sequel, And Just Like That, on our TV screens. For 6 years, the characters in the show taught women around the world to love their lives, be bold, and not be ashamed of themselves. 4 best friends, Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte, and Samantha, have become not only role models but also fashion idols whose styles have been copied by many. And now we’re curious about how these characters look in the new series.

We at Bright Side are eager to show you how the characters of our favorite show have changed since the first seasons.

Carrie Bradshaw

Miranda Hobbes

Charlotte York

Mr. Big

Stanford Blatch

Steve Brady

Harry Goldenblatt

Anthony Marantino

Lily Goldenblatt

Rose Goldenblatt

Brady Hobbes

Who is your favorite character on the show?


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