Why Helen Hunt Refuses to Diet or Have Plastic Surgery Even at 60

10 months ago

Actress Helen Hunt’s recent Instagram post has garnered appreciation from her fans. They are grateful for her authenticity as she confidently showcased her wrinkles and embraced her natural appearance. Helen’s genuine snapshot brought a refreshing change in a world where many rely on beauty treatments and filters to maintain a youthful look.

She prefers to feel comfortable in her own skin rather than striving for perfection in appearance.

According to her, striving for the “perfect body” only leads to unhappiness. She consciously decided to prioritize her well-being over chasing a specific body shape. Interestingly, once she let go of the idea of dieting, she noticed that her body naturally moved toward how she desired it to be. For her, dieting has never been an effective way to stay fit. She shared her approach to staying active, saying, ’’As a general rule, I tend to move. I don’t go to a gym ever.’’

Hunt mentioned that back in the ’80s, she used to go on diets, but it only made her feel unhappy. She decided to let go of pursuing the “perfect body” and shifted her focus to engaging in physical activities such as walking, surfing, and yoga to maintain her health.

She prioritizes herself above all else.

Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News

Regarding her approach to beauty, Helen has one crucial rule she lives by: “Love yourself, love yourself, love yourself.” She acknowledges that it’s not always an easy goal but firmly believes in its importance.

She values comfort and prefers a relaxed lifestyle over high-maintenance choices. Helen shared that her colleagues often encourage her to wear something other than sweatpants.

However, she also enjoys indulging in a glamorous transformation from time to time, especially when she has a premiere to attend. Reflecting on her high school prom experience, which she missed, she tries to make these events a special and memorable occasion.

Embracing the beauty of simplicity

Hunt posted a selfie before attending the season two premiere of Blindspotting. She showcased a natural look with minimal makeup and her own beautiful wavy hair. Fans were quick to appreciate her authenticity and applauded her for embracing her age and imperfections.

One fan commented, ’’Thank you for looking real, authentic and gorgeous!!’’ Another fan expressed their happiness, saying, ’’I’m happy you don’t change your face with Chirurgie and Botox. Natural.’’

Loving ourselves is the key to finding happiness, as our bodies are the incredible vessels that allow us to navigate life. Appreciating and celebrating this miraculous gift to the fullest extent is important.

Preview photo credit Richard Shotwell / Invision / AP / East News, helenhunt / Instagram


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