A Woman Says She’ll Only Have a Baby If Her Partner Pays Her an Eye-Watering Sum per Year

5 hours ago

Motherhood is a 24/7 job, which is done with a huge love, and moms become real multitaskers, performing several roles at a time. A TikTok influencer Jenny Darling claims that giving birth to a baby is something a woman should be rewarded for. In her viral video, that has amassed a plenty of views, the woman shares her expectations from her partner if she ever decides to have a child. And some of her views provoked a real thunderstorm in the comments.

Jenny came to TikTok with a quite daring claim.

I think, I can never earn over which I paid by my precedent employer, but I was wrong, world is so large to try their fate. but now I am making $52/h even more,and easily earn minimum $1300/week, on the experience everyone must try to do work online, easy way to earn, here's an example.


Jenny Darling, 23, is a London-based influencer known for her bold content. She has recently made headlines with her video, where she shared her thoughts on the cost of motherhood. The woman provoked a real stir with her audacious demand for $250,000 a year if she ever decides to have a baby.

The daring woman doesn’t want to sacrifice her body for a baby unless all of her requirements are met, and she listed them in her clip, which has amassed over 600,000 views and thousands of comments. Her list includes plenty of things, such as a push present and a complete mommy makeover.

“This is going to ruffle a few feathers, but this is my preference,” she commented in her viral video.

The woman detailed how she’s going to spend the desired sum.

Jenny, who has actually never wanted to be a mom, revealed that she even asked doctors to remove her uterus. But now she thinks she might change her mind and become open to the idea of giving birth if the right partner can meet her special terms. “I feel like, as a woman, I would just be sacrificing a lot. This list, I don’t think, is asking for too much,” she explained in the video. “I’m not here to suffer.”

One of the requirements, a sum that should be paid to her on a yearly basis, would make $250,000 and the woman will spend this money on therapy, a personal trainer, and baby needs. “Creating a human life takes a lot of sacrifice,” says Jenny. “I’d never put my body through that for free. I’m not built to suffer.”

However, to people’s surprise, this was not the single item on her list.

Jenny added some more conditions that should be met if she’ll ever give birth.

Among the other things that the influencer mentioned in her video, she listed some more important conditions. Darling says she wants to be married before pregnancy, have a prenuptial agreement that’ll contain an infidelity clause, and she insists on having a babymoon abroad.

“Kids are expensive. I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world to suffer,” she says. “I would have kids on the terms, it’s a good motherhood experience for me.”

Besides the main requirements, Darling’s “non-negotiables” also include a doula and a housekeeper for the first six months after childbirth. The housekeeper is supposed to be replaced by a weekly cleaner after that. “I don’t know how women do cooking, cleaning and working as a mom. I commend that, but it’s not going to be me,” she explained.

Woman’s claims caused quite a stir in the comments.

Viewers were quick to react to all things that Jenny mentioned in her video. Some supported her and agreed with her, particularly about the financial side. One person wrote, “It seems fairly reasonable. The 250k goes into taking care of the kids. So salary for the doula and night nurse would be part of it, I’m assuming.” Another user added, “If my future husband wants me to have a baby I will need a nutritionist, and therapy sessions both for him and I, and a night nurse, a cook and a cleaner.”

However, some users weren’t so optimistic about Jenny’s list, some calling her “a low value woman”, and others pointing out that her expectations are just unrealistic. One user wrote, “Children should be made from love, I don’t understand why you are treating it like a transaction? I assume you don’t want kids and this is your ‘price.’”

And here’s yet another article about a model, who has a very interesting point of view on being a childfree.


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