An Artist Creates Images of Celebrities in Which They Meet Their Younger Selves

2 years ago

We all like comparing ourselves to “old” versions of ourselves to see how we have changed over time. The artist Ard Gelinck makes the impossible possible: using Photoshop, he creates photos of famous people in which they meet — and even virtually hug — their younger selves, some even in their childhood. Ard has his own Instagram page, which has more than 300K followers, where he posts these photos. We’re sure you’ll like his work too!

We at Bright Side want to share a fresh batch of pictures made by this artist, with which you may actually see how our favorite celebs have changed.

1. Jennifer Aniston

2. Justin Timberlake

3. Angelina Jolie

4. David Beckham

5. Johnny Depp

6. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen

7. Jimmy Fallon

8. Drew Barrymore

9. Harry Styles

10. Cindy Crawford

11. Ed Sheeran

12. Joe Jonas

13. Nick Jonas

14. Jim Carrey

15. Selena Gomez

16. Pharrell Williams

In your opinion, which celebrity changed the least since childhood? Who changed the most?


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