I'm really happy that Bright Side reflected this issue.
These days, kids below 13 are more mature than us(13+). I've seen that most of my Juniors are active in toxic Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok. It's really sad to see the people with whom we played in the open grounds before being different after the entry of social media??
Children Under 13 Should Not Be Allowed on Social Media, and Here’s Why
Letting your kid on social media sites can influence their development and even the transition into their teens. Maybe it’s ok for your kid to use social media under supervision, but the disadvantages beat the advantages on many different levels. You can’t monitor their every step, because a potential danger could be one click away and they probably won’t even be aware of it.
Bright Side learned about the dangers of children under 13 years using social media sites and we wanted to warn you about them.
Your kid will see a different reality on social media sites.
As your kids grow up, they will start asking new questions about themselves. For girls, this means going toward fashion trends and makeup, while for guys deodorant and hair gel suddenly become significant. Ironically, staying on track with trends is important in order to fit in, however if the kid uses social media, these results will be different.
On these sites, they won’t just be influenced by kids around their own age and in their circle of friends, but way beyond. They will feel pressured to keep up with worldwide trends. For a young mind that is in the developing stages of self-esteem, it can give them the impression that they won’t ever be able to attain the same status, get the same things — basically, they’ll think they will never be able to catch up.
Your kid might share too much.
Like it or not, if a kid under 13 uses a social media site, they will also be tempted to share and they might share things that are not really for the whole world to see. Also, little kids might take photos of your ID or credit card, and share them. Even if they only share their location or an image that easily shows where they are, it can get stalkers and shady characters’ attention and could put your kid in danger.
They might become a victim of online bullying or become one.
Bullying on social media sites can be even worse than real-life bullying, because those people can act freely and most often do it anonymously. While bullying happens no matter how old you are, kids under 13 are the most affected by it because that’s when kids’ self-esteem starts to form. So, bullying will make children seek virtual approval, which can become uncontrollable. Abusive language and gossiping can spike anxiety too, which might result in panic attacks. There is even a chance that cyberbullying could trigger self-harm.
Your kid might develop anxiety.
All the trends, bullying, and false reality can make kids anxious easily, and even depressed. Kids still don’t have a strong self-esteem and confidence and this is the main reason why kids shouldn’t be allowed to use social sites. In this period, children should be led to build on the skills they are good at, if this doesn’t happen their life could be more difficult.
Your kid can get pushed into participating in dangerous trends.
Whether it concerns fashion, dance, or some kind of game, kids become more and more obsessed with these things. The bad thing about these is that there are trends that can put your child’s life in danger. Some of the past trends and challenges are known for being unpredictable and very dangerous.
He might get scammed and even become a victim of identity theft.
Kids are a treasure in the eyes of scammers and identity thieves. This is because children don’t take out loans, have credit cards, or pay the bills. Their credit score is clean and thieves can exploit them. These people specifically target children who are using social sites and things can get really bad really fast because scammers find them to be the easiest targets.
Do you let your kid use social media? If they are already on social sites, what steps do you take to keep them safe?
I don't think they are more mature, but they certainly are less innocent.
Yeah I also think the same as I’m also a teenager and I’ve been cyber bullied for uploading a picture of me in a dog filter but they’re thousands of girls doing the same and getting millions of likes
This shows the double standard which exists in this word
same i am also 14 but not everyone is same i started Instagram at 11 but it just helped me to get more knowledge and information time to time and i would say that it is useful?
I dont give a flying **** how mature an underage kid acts. Thats just another reason a kid should NOT be on the internet. The pedophiles would love to hear that one.
I don't want to be one of these people who hate social media and talk how bad the kids are, how bad the gadgets are... but I have to agree. I've decided quite a long time ago that I won't let my kids to have any social media accounts until they're about 14. Also I think I'll only allow Internet for studies only. I'm 21. I'm super not proud of myself for this desicion and for being "strict"in this sense. But I do think it's not good or healthy for kids. I've been having social media accounts myself since I was 9. I don't think it's a good environment. Ugh I'm so lame!
I am so proud of you for thinking and caring about your future children. I started using social media when I was 13 and it really hurted me most that I have anxiety disorder. I am 19 and I agree with you, but now I know how to use social medias and not to be on it for 24/7.
Thank you! :)
If you have a teen with a smart phone, and you leave your credit card where the teen can take a pic of it, you are not a very smart parent.
Bright Side has done a very good job in writing this article on this issue
Teenagers these days have started to act more mature than they’re expected to be thanks to the entry of social media as a result of which they have become more ostentatious and every now and then I listen to them cussing every now and then as it is the symbol of being cool
They are becoming the victims of the bad effects of social media and they suffer from chronic disorders later in their life
And the so called influencers are doing terrible job in imposing the criteria of getting likes on social media and becoming an overnight sensation on their minds thus generating fake ness in social media
And I hate TikTok as those trends are useless and I’ve seen them and thank god this app is banned in our country ie India. Also I’ve been ridiculed for not having an account in any of the social media platforms
Social media is good but its important to save our generation before its too late because sooner they’ll not be normal humans anymore and morph into moronic people and parents have to become more responsible on the teenagers who squander their time on social media
Hey Bright Side
Can you please upload a video on this issue in your YouTube channel ?
Even i would like to watch it
We’re eagerly waiting
plz i beg
13 is too young. No one under the age of 18 should even have a cell phone, except a flip phone for emergencies.
children under 18 teen should have social media because if the don't have social media if they get sick they can't get in touch with they family or parents
They’re this really great invention, it’s the thing the device kids are carrying is meant for the ,phone ,they can still text or call they don’t need Snapchat or Instagram or tiktok to do that.
Yes!! Of course...very true! That'll be my plan for my kids! :)
That’s just stupid. It’s not fair for kids
Unless kids can ask parent’s permission
Dont be petulant. the law said 13 and if you break the law you are teaching your underage brat that its ok to break the law.
These issues aren't exclusive to kids. They also affect a lot of adults, especially ones with low intelligence
Very bad for kids..I say. But useful sometimes! Like now, in the Covid-19 situation kids sometimes have classes online.
my best freind is doing this for a speech
I personally dont agree with kids being online. There are 8 year olds that drink boiling water because YouTube. There was a kid that drove a car to a pedos house because of an internet invite. There are kids that have depression because social media messes with their self esteem. Internet is a double edge sword but people allowing children online are playing with fire. Choices have consequences.

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