Mom Finally Decided to Cut Toxic Grandparents Out of Her Daughters’ Lives to Protect Them

In families, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is often cherished and seen as a source of love and support. However, there are instances where the behavior of the grandparents causes strain and tension within the family dynamic. That’s why parents need to recognize when these relationships become toxic and act accordingly.

She did it to protect her children.

Meet Arielle, the American mom who made a choice that divided her family into two parts. She decided to completely keep her daughters away from her husband’s parents to take care of her little girl’s mental well-being, and the reason behind it is very understandable.

The grandparents used to criticize everything they could about the girls.

When Arielle and her family went to see her husband’s parents, they were nice to them at first, but later on, they started to say negative things about the way their two daughters looked especially the older one. Her husband’s parents kept finding faults with the girl.

One day, they criticized her haircut, then the next day, they complained about how she looked, her clothes, and even her weight. In fact, there was a time when they specifically targeted the girl for wearing a short skirt, claiming that it didn’t look good on her because of her weight.

She couldn’t let this go on and decided to step in.

The comment that made the mom lose her patience was when her husband’s parents insultingly remarked that her daughter had a “big belly.” “Her belly is very big,” they said. This was the final straw when Arielle made the strong decision to completely keep her daughters, especially her older one, away from her in-laws.

Arielle’s decision wasn’t impulsive. Other bad things, as well as the criticism, led to it. For instance, during the previous Christmas, her husband’s parents only brought gifts for her youngest granddaughter.

It might seem like a minor thing when we think about materialistic matters, but it’s a clear indication that Arielle’s in-laws have a strong dislike for her older daughter.

The mom is active on both Instagram and TikTok social media platforms, where she shares her everyday struggles and stories. Once, she shared exactly what the grandparents said to the kids. They said things like: “Oh, she got a haircut. I see she got bangs. I’m not really sure you’re a bang girl, sweetie. I liked your hair better before.”

After the grandparents bought their granddaughter a belly shirt, they said: “You guys are really gonna let her wear a belly shirt? Are you sure she has the body for that?”

Fortunately, the story of Arielle’s in-laws is just an exception. Grandparents are very beneficial for the youth. A study proved that grandparents who spend time with their grandchildren tend to live longer. Others have found that it’s equally beneficial for children. Kids who are close to their grandparents are happier and less likely to be depressed in the future.


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It doesn't surprise me, unfortunately, how cruel parents and grandparents can be to children. Bullying behaviors are unacceptable when done by anyone, but it's just unforgivable to be done by the parents and grandparents of the children involved. I can't imagine that child's pain when Christmas gifts were only given to her sister. That had to be so confusing and hurtful. I'm so glad that this mother has stopped contact between them. Their toxic shaming and belittling comments on this child's appearance could have done so much damage to her mental health and physical health by causing any number of complications from their insults towards her appearance or her weight. The last thing that child needed was an eating disorder courtesy of her father's parents. I hope that they don't have the opportunity to harm anyone else. I hope that this older child has moved past what they did, with the help of her mother and anyone else, if needed, and knows just how valued and beautiful she is, regardless of what those monsters may have said. I hope they have all the love and support, and I wish them the best.


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