10 Low-Maintenance Plants That Will Add Color to Your House

Tips & tricks
3 years ago

Plants aren’t just a hobby or something pretty to put in your home to add a bit of life to it. Plants have many benefits for us. For example, they can increase our productivity by 15%, according to researchers from the University of Exeter. Not only that, but people who cultivate plants in their homes tend to have less stress.

Bright Side is all for things that are good for us, and things that improve our lives in any kind of way — bonus points if those things are colorful and nice-looking plants!

1. Persian shield

Strobilanthes Dyeriana, also known as Persian shield, is a very low-maintenance plant, rarely has issues with pests and diseases, and thanks to its color it will definitely make your home look livelier. The plant is also not toxic.

Light: It needs full sun to partial shade.

Water: Keep the soil moist and water when the top couple of inches of soil are dry. It droops when it’s thirsty.

2. Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe is as pretty as it is easy to care for. In fact, it can thrive both indoors and outdoors with very little attention. The plant, also known as the Katy flower, has 125 different species. It’s worth noting that it can be toxic to cats and dogs.

Light: It needs full sun to partial shade, but can also grow in bright indirect lighting.

Water: Water it sparingly and let it dry between waterings.

3. Peace lily

The Peace lily is a very popular plant to grow indoors, it’s very low-maintenance, and it also filters out toxins from the air. It can be toxic to dogs and cats.

Light: The plant, unlike others, can thrive in low-light areas.

Water: Don’t overwater. Once a week is plenty for this plant. Water it even less during the winter.

4. Phalaenopsis orchid

The Phalaenopsis orchid, also known as the Moth orchid, is one of the easiest types of orchids to grow. In fact, they’re often called “the beginner orchid” due to how easy they are to care for. They’re not toxic to pets.

Light: It fares best in bright, indirect light, but it can tolerate medium, indirect light as well.

Water: It should be watered every 1-2 weeks. Water it more often if the plant is in brighter light and less often in lower light.

5. Crown-of-thorns

The Crown-of-thorns plant is another great indoor plant because it adapts well to room temperatures and dry environments, and it can forgive the occasional missed watering as well. It can be poisonous to people and animals if ingested. Make sure to wear gloves when working with it.

Light: It fares best in room temperatures, but it could survive in temperatures as low as 50°F (10°C) and as high as 90°F (32°C).

Water: Water the plant by flooding the pot with water. Make sure to drain the excess and empty the saucer under the pot so that the roots don’t sit in water.

6. Christmas cactus

The Christmas cactus is another colorful and very easy plant to take care of — even the laziest of gardeners won’t have problems. It’s popular during the winter, because that’s when it flowers, which means it can also make for a nice Christmas gift. The plant is not toxic to people and animals.

Light: Bright, indirect light works best for these plants, but they can fare quite well in lower light as well.

Water: Water it when the first inch of soil is dry.

7. Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia zebrina, also known as Inchplant, is a popular succulent that is also quite easy to take care of. It’s not just low-maintenance, but also resilient, so even if you’re very new at this, you shouldn’t have problems with this plant. The Inchplant can be toxic.

Light: It thrives in partial shade, but it can do just as well in sunny areas, as long as its soil is kept moist.

Water: You should water it moderately while it’s growing, and less so during the winter.

8. Begonia

Begonias are some of the most popular plants, as there are many types with different colors. That does not mean that they’re hard to care for though. Begonias have a succulent stem, which serves as its very own water storage for the drier periods of the year. They can be toxic to pets.

Light: They thrive best in bright, indirect light.

Water: They should be watered sparingly, so the soil is kept moist, but not wet.

9. Parodia magnifica

Parodia Magnifica, also known as Ball cactus, is another low-maintenance plant that will spruce up your home. It a very resilient plant, and won’t take too much of your time, because it actually thrives on neglect. It is not a toxic plant.

Light: It requires a good amount of sun, so make sure it gets it.

Water: Only water when their soil is dry to the touch.

10. Bromeliad

Bromeliads are also a very easy plant to care for, and their colors will most definitely add vibrant color to your home. There are 2,877 species of Bromeliads, but the care guidelines are the same for all of them. They are not toxic.

Light: For the most part, Bromeliads do well in bright, indirect light spaces.

Water: They can withstand drought, but are less tolerant to overwatering. Water only when the first couple of inches of soil are dry.

Have you ever cared for plants at home? Which ones are your favorite?

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