Funny stories

16 Funny Stories That Prove Life Is Never Dull When You Have Children

16 Funny Stories That Prove Life Is Never Dull When You Have Children
Family & kids
4 years ago

Is there anything better than waking up early in the morning because your 3-year-old is poking you in the eye and trying to turn you into a pirate? And then, just as you’re about to start getting annoyed, your child tells you that they love you even more than their precious toy car and then, you’re ready to go through the poking all over again. Children — they’re the reason you notice more and more gray hairs on your head and why you’ve had more sleepless nights than you could ever count. But they’re also the reason you strive to become a better and healthier person every single day.

17 Stories That Show How Adults Handle Life With Kids

17 Stories That Show How Adults Handle Life With Kids
Family & kids
2 years ago

There should be many funny stories and situations if a kid is in the house. Children are so pure and direct that they don’t care about your reaction. They see and they do. If your daughter tried picking the lock to your car with a barrette and it stuck, don’t get angry. She was just trying to help you.

15+ Photos That Can Make You Produce Tons of Laughter in a Minute

15+ Photos That Can Make You Produce Tons of Laughter in a Minute
2 years ago

All of us probably have a story about something that happened to us or someone from our family and made our belly muscles hurt from laughter. But if such stories have photographic proof, they become even more epic. Today’s heroes have a stash of comical stories with pics that could totally make your day. Warning: some of them may have happened to you too.

21 Parents Shared Photos of What Life With Toddlers Looks Like

21 Parents Shared Photos of What Life With Toddlers Looks Like
Family & kids
2 years ago

No one, and nothing on earth, is faster than a toddler with something they shouldn’t have in their mouth. While this is a meme, every toddler parent would say it’s true. Between birth and 3 years of age, a child’s brain develops at a rapid rate. And it seems a lot of those brain connections, about a quadrillion of them, go into making mischief, temper tantrums, and unforgettable moments, especially for the parents.

18 Tweets That Anyone Who Has a 4-Legged Friend Will Understand

18 Tweets That Anyone Who Has a 4-Legged Friend Will Understand
2 years ago

Once a fluffball appears in our homes, everything changes. Now as pet owners we’ll have to give treats to our dog on a daily basis, withstand all the weird things our cat does, and stop counting hamsters who reproduce at the speed of the light. Twitter users shared these funny stories about pets and anyone who has a 4-legged friend will understand them.

15 Touching Stories That Prove We Don’t Deserve Our Grandmothers

15 Touching Stories That Prove We Don’t Deserve Our Grandmothers
3 years ago

Although sometimes it seems that we have nothing in common with the older generation, most of us have the warmest childhood memories connected to our grandmothers. Their doors were always open for us, and their tables were usually full of homemade cakes and other delicacies. And we are ready to forgive them for any of the confusing situations they sometimes get into due to their age.

Reddit Users Shared 20+ Petty Reasons for Why They Refused to Date Someone

Reddit Users Shared 20+ Petty Reasons for Why They Refused to Date Someone
2 years ago

At the start of a relationship, people tend to study each other very carefully and closely. Perhaps that is why the little habits of their potential partners, which wouldn’t even be noticed later, seem to stand out at this stage. One Reddit thread wondered what the pettiest reason people refused to date someone was, and it grew into something big, leading people to share some of their funniest stories.

25+ Clawsome Tweets and Pics That Reveal All the Joys and Struggles of Owning a Cat

25+ Clawsome Tweets and Pics That Reveal All the Joys and Struggles of Owning a Cat
3 years ago

No matter how quirky your cat is, if you share some funny stories about their behavior, chances are, there’ll be many people who’ll say “My cat does the same thing!” They’d prefer to eat from the floor rather than from a fancy dish you’ve carefully chosen. They’d rather play with a straw from a fast food restaurant than with an expensive cat toy you’ve just bought. And waking you up at 3 a.m. just to let you know they are around is one of their favorite hobbies. If this sounds familiar to you, welcome to the club of cat owners who love their naughty pets to the moon and back, no matter what.

15+ Tweets From Husbands and Wives That Show the Hilarity of Married Life

15+ Tweets From Husbands and Wives That Show the Hilarity of Married Life
3 years ago

A long-term relationship is a place where hundreds of funny stories are born, and Twitter users prove it by sharing hilarious moments of their marriages with the rest of the world. From clever tricks on how to make your spouse bring you a snack as if it was their own initiative, to helping your partner win at their favorite game without them suspecting a thing, these tweets can also be a source of marriage wisdom.

17 People Whose Everyday Life Is Like a Tragicomedy

17 People Whose Everyday Life Is Like a Tragicomedy
3 years ago

We all happen to encounter situations that are full of drama. But this is no reason to think that the universe has something against you. Even the most difficult days filled with awkward situations can become funny stories that we happily share with friends and followers online.

20 Things That Only a McDonald’s Employee Could Relate To

20 Things That Only a McDonald’s Employee Could Relate To
4 years ago

Every job comes with its own set of perks and benefits, just as every company has its own culture and way of doing things. But when we’re talking about a corporation as big as McDonald’s, with something like 40,000 restaurants all over the globe, there’s far more than one thing to relate to. Well, as it turns out, one of the perks of working at McDonald’s is finding yourself in pretty strange situations. Most of the time, you’d have to be an employee to understand these, but thanks to Reddit users who shared their strange yet funny stories online, we get to know what it’s really like to work here.

20+ People That Had an Epic Fail Because They Weren’t Paying Attention

20+ People That Had an Epic Fail Because They Weren’t Paying Attention
4 years ago

Our attention can only be focused on one thing at a time and there have been experiments that have proven this. Volunteers watched a game of 2 teams dressed in black and white clothes. Their job was to count the number of passes from each team. The subjects got the right number of passes, but 50% of them didn’t even notice that there was a person who was wearing a full gorilla suit.

19 People Lady Luck Has Turned Her Back On

19 People Lady Luck Has Turned Her Back On
4 years ago

It just so happens that fate seems to test our resistance and strength and fills our day with all sorts of minor hiccups. And we look at them and think: “Today, Lady Luck is clearly not smiling at me.”

15+ Guys That Would Give Anything for a Minute of Sleep

15+ Guys That Would Give Anything for a Minute of Sleep
3 years ago

We are sure that many people have had times in their lives when they just wanted to get a good night’s sleep. At times like that, you start to value the simple things: a good bed, clean sheets, and a comfortable pillow. From lack of sleep, not only do our bodies suffer, but funny stories also happen because our brains just don’t function normally.

20+ Witty People Who Are Able to Laugh at Their Past Selves

20+ Witty People Who Are Able to Laugh at Their Past Selves
4 years ago

We all probably have photos in our old photo albums that make us feel a little bit embarrassed, or some of our childhood memories may have been turned into funny stories we can tell at a family reunion. But every photo or story from the past is a part of us. That’s why some internet users shared this “compromising material” with the public and won some well-deserved popularity.

15 Bright Side Users Reveal the Funniest Pranks Their Pets Ever Pulled

15 Bright Side Users Reveal the Funniest Pranks Their Pets Ever Pulled
4 years ago

When Twitter users shared their best pet stories online, we got a lot of reactions from the audience in the comments. People who related to the stories told us how their dog stole a pizza from their dining table despite closing off the room in every way possible or how their dog managed to steal someone’s underwear to “inspect” them. But those stories are barely the top of the iceberg. Take a look at what our readers shared with us to remember that no matter what, you will always love your dog.

15+ Children Who Did Their Best to Push Their Parents’ Patience to the Limit

15+ Children Who Did Their Best to Push Their Parents’ Patience to the Limit
Family & kids
4 years ago

Children brighten anyone’s life... until their pranks exceed all expectations. Some children spill hard-to-clean drinks on the carpet, others scratch the car with keys to write “Love you, Dad,” and some can completely dismantle a smartphone. Parents have to deal with all this and more every time their little ones take advantage of their lack of attention, and they really let their imagination fly!

20+ Animals That Had a Surprise in Store for Their Owners

20+ Animals That Had a Surprise in Store for Their Owners
5 years ago

After living with our pets for years, we get used to their unusual habits and actions. But even the wisest pet owners aren’t always ready for the surprises that their 4-legged friends have in store for them: they grow 3 times bigger than they were meant to grow, they run away from home and find the way to their masters’ work, and they discover new poses for photoshoots.

7 People Who Know How to Handle Awkward Situations in the Most Hilarious Ways

7 People Who Know How to Handle Awkward Situations in the Most Hilarious Ways
year ago

From greeting the wrong person to saying something out of place, we’ve all been there. Our life is filled with uncomfortable and awkward situations. It would be perfect to have a superpower to avoid them, but unfortunately, even heroes from Marvel Universe do not have this power. All we can do is to learn how to handle any embarrassing moment with grace.

25 Hilarious Differences Between Mom and Dad’s Parenting Styles

25 Hilarious Differences Between Mom and Dad’s Parenting Styles
Family & kids
4 years ago

It’s been discussed many times that men and women seem to come from different planets. Mothers and fathers prove this theory once again in their reactions to similar child rearing situations. It’s enough to just look at all these funny stories about boyfriends, cats, cleaning, shopping, and even Happy Meal toys to see that this speculation is spot on.

16 Photographs of Friendships on the Verge of Insanity

16 Photographs of Friendships on the Verge of Insanity
year ago

We all have a lot of hilarious stories about our friends and many of these stories make our sides ache from laughter. We found the funniest stories of friendship when people take their friends on trips and games even if they don’t have the opportunity to go, take pictures of each other during very awkward moments, and, of course, support each other wholeheartedly through thick and thin.