Kat keeps an eye on my cricut while it's cutting paper or he lies behind it

Some pets are real stalkers and want every bit of their owners’ love and precious time. It’s them who you see first thing in the morning, it’s them who never let you “suffer” alone in the shower, and it’s them who always want to get lost in a book together with you.
Here at Bright Side, we found 17 happy humans whose pets are so in love with them that they can’t spend a single second without their beloved owners.
Do you have pets? Do they know what personal space is or do they follow you wherever you go? Show us some pics of your fluffy fellas hanging out with you, and let’s see whose pets are the most obsessed with their humans!
Kat keeps an eye on my cricut while it's cutting paper or he lies behind it
good thing my dog isn't the only one that wants to visit me when I'm on the toilet or taking a bath
Haha this dog at 1 is really funny, I would never get bored with one like this
Omg these are all so cute but guys, please, look at the dog in #11! Look at that sweet furry face ????
These truly won't leave their owners alone for a sec! My gosh!!!