15+ People Who See a Whole New World in the Details

2 years ago

There’s a phenomenon called “pareidolia,” where our mind tricks us into seeing faces in inanimate objects. But that’s not all, as one recent study claims that in those illusory faces we can recognize age, emotion, and gender. Fortunately, the Internet has plenty of fun examples for those who find this ability amusing or have yet to experience it.

Bright Side rounded up photos where people’s brains let them see the more fantastical side of things.

1. “This old potato looks like me waking up in the morning.”

2. “The parking pillars here look like handsome Squidward.”

3. “These guitars cast shadows on the wall that look like dragons.”

4. “Someone is not happy about the weather we are having.”

5. “This hand grip looks like an alligator.”

6. “I found Donatello out and about.”

7. “The shadow of this bath faucet looks like a sitting frog.”

8. “The shadow of this jeep looks like a vampire.”

9. “My homemade popsicle ended up looking like a tongue.”

10. “The dental light looks like a water buffalo.”

11. “The sriracha I put on my egg accidentally looks like someone hugging the sun.”

12. “These crescent rolls look like tiny manatees.”

13. “The camera in the ER looks like a surprised panda.”

14. “This Corvette is appalled.”

15. “The roof is a suspicious fox.”

16. “My eclipse photo looks like a one-eyed raccoon.”

How big is your imagination? Do you usually see beyond what reality is presenting you? Show us your own wild examples of pareidolia!


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I couldn't eat that potato man. I really believe a soul has been trapped inside haha.


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