16 Pics That Capture People’s Best Memories

2 years ago

Our lives consist of ups and downs. We can’t escape feeling sad sometimes, and when that happens, memories of the precious moments in which we felt the happiest are the best remedy. For some people, it can be remembering their wedding or their child being born, and for others, it could be a past graduation from a university or seeing the ocean for the first time.

We at Bright Side would like to share some examples of people who got lucky enough to capture moments of pure happiness on camera.

1. “Last year, I married my best friend in our backyard. Last weekend, we finally had our dream wedding with family and friends.”

2. “A very special moment my wife was able to capture of my best friend for life having his first kid”

3. “The little man experiencing the ocean for the first time — I thought he was going to fly away with excitement.”

4. “My nephew went on a field trip today and my sister sent him with some money which he spent on a shirt for his baby brother.”

5. “My wife and I graduated from med school today.”

6. “My daughter wanted us all to hold hands at the end of Frozen 2. It was a picture-perfect moment.”

7. “After being a stay-at-home dad for 6 years, I started college alongside my son who just started kindergarten. We got this!”

8. “Today, my beautiful girlfriend got accepted into an X-ray technician training program!”

9. “It’s my sixth pregnancy but first time making it to the third trimester.”

10. “My daughter and dog sharing a sweet moment”

11. “I couldn’t afford to buy a manta ray for my son’s birthday. Reddit strangers decided to make this day the best one ever.”

12. Tennis player Emma Raducanu seeing herself on a billboard for the first time

13. “My daughter and dog made eye contact for the first time.”

14. “A year and a half ago, I bought a bike and started riding it. Today, I finished my first sprint triathlon.”

15. “Our little sock thief”

16. “The first time I got to hold my daughter!”

What is your happiest memory?

Preview photo credit sbaghetticarbonara / Reddit


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