10 Fresh Manicure Ideas That Are Perfect for the Cooler Months

Girls stuff
hour ago

Fall is not the best time for a beautiful manicure, right? Yes, it is! On the contrary, it's the perfect season to flaunt beautiful nails before you have to hide your hands in mittens or gloves. That's why we've searched the Internet for some trendy manicure ideas of this year.

Brown manicure

It seems that burgundy is the perfect color for fall. However, this manicure has become too overused. It's better to opt for a rich chocolate-brown shade or cherry cola. This manicure looks modern, but not pretentious, and is suitable for various looks.

Blush nails

And for those who want to add warmth and brightness to the chilly weather, a fresh manicure idea — blush nails — is perfect. It’s like a frost blush on your cheeks, only this time on your nails. This design looks quite unusual, but isn’t too much.

Unusual French manicure

Just like burgundy nail color, French manicure is almost a classic. However, it also looks boring. Different variations of this design are on trend now, from unusual combinations of colors to bold nails with a black "smile." However, you can also choose more modest options to suit your own style.

Animal print

“Sorry, but I have a cow nails.”

"Turtle" pattern on the fingernails has been in fashion for a long time, but it's obvious that everyone is bored with it now. Experts consider this design a thing of the past.

But this doesn't mean that animal prints in manicure give up their positions. Quite the contrary. It's just worth trying out some not so overused variants, like the "cow" pattern or snake print.

Glass nails

Fashion experts are sure that matte nail coating is a thing of the past. This manicure was popular 10 years ago, but now it's outdated. This year the so-called "glass nails" will be especially relevant - it's a manicure with a thick glossy top coat, thanks to which there is a beautiful glare as on glass.

Colorful glazed nails

“Chocolate glaze for fall ”

Glazed nails became popular last year. This manicure implies that pearlescent powder is applied to the colorful coating. This option is still relevant, but now it has a new reading. If earlier mainly basic and neutral tones were used, then this season it's cool to make glazed brown or berry shades.

Watercolor nails

How to add a twist to a simple base coat? It’s worth trying a watercolor design. It includes blurred spots of different shades. This manicure looks light, it is modern and can lift your mood in gloomy weather.

Minimalist design

And for those who are tired of complicated designs, bright colors and shiny coatings, there is good news — minimalist design is still in fashion. Short nails with a neutral coating and small accents will always look neat and relevant.

Dark aura nails

"New aura design, I'm in love."

Aura manicure appeared not so long ago, but has already gained popularity. The design implies an oval gradient of a different color that is applied to the center of the nail. And now the dark aura is gaining popularity. Dark and cool shades are used for the gradient.

Chrome cat eye

“Cat Eye + Unichrome”

Magnetic cat eye nail polishes have become popular again recently. Especially relevant are copper and bronze shades. However, the hot hit is chrome cat eye. These nails look simply dazzling, they are bright, but at the same time can be easily combined with various outfits.

And here are some chic manicure designs that can elevate your look.

Preview photo credit maguskaolinite / Reddit


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