20 People Who Are Way Ahead of Their Time

There are movies or series that are so important you can expect to see either a reboot or a sequel to capture new generations. However, particular versions have impressed us or at least turned out to be iconic in their way, so it is hard to believe that they are not entirely original productions. The public often is unaware that it is an adaptation of an older movie.
We will never forget Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis’ iconic duo when they swapped roles in Freaky Friday. But this film is a remake of a 1976 film, in which the roles of mother and daughter went to Jodie Foster and Barbara Harris. Interestingly, two TV movies based on the story came out in 1995 and 2018, although they were less successful.
The Mummy is one of the most emblematic franchises of the pantheon of monsters that have made up the cinema, so, over the years, we have seen several versions of this plot. The first appeared in 1932 and starred Boris Karloff, who played Imhotep in search of his lost love.
In 1999, we saw the iconic version starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz, which had two sequels in 2001 and 2008, and a reboot starring Tom Cruise.
H. G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds is considered a science fiction classic. As such, it was adapted into a movie more than once, the first being in 1953. This production starred Gene Barry and Ann Robinson.
In 2005, Steven Spielberg brought out his well-remembered version, in which Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning must survive the attack of aliens while sorting out their family problems.
October 11 and the names Annie and Hallie mean a lot to those who watched The Parent Trap, the unforgettable movie in which Lindsay Lohan played twins trying to unite their parents. The movie is a remake of a 1961 version with sequels released in 1986 and 1989.
Les Misérables is a classic novel by French author Victor Hugo that has been adapted multiple times for TV and cinema. Although when thinking of the book, most people will immediately remember the musical version starring Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway, there was another American movie produced in 1998 (non-musical) featuring Liam Neeson and Uma Thurman.
Millions of us were moved to tears by the emotional film of Richard Gere and the dog Hachikō. This is the American version of the Japanese film Hachikô monogatari. It tells the true story of a pet of the same name who waited for 9 years at the train station for the arrival of his owner after his death.
Elisabeth “Sisi” von Wittelsbach has been represented in many different ways in history. Although Netflix’s series is a huge success today, years before, the empress had a trilogy made telling her life. Actress Romy Schneider played her.
You may remember Eddie Murphy’s extravagant transformation for The Nutty Professor. The actor proved his versatility and comedic ability. Interestingly, this film was a remake of a 1963 comedy in which Jerry Lewis played an awkward and shy professor who found a potion to solve all his problems.
Many of us remember Steve Martin’s chaotic misadventures in organizing his life and raising his 12 children in the two Cheaper by the Dozen films. Interestingly, the film is a remake of a 1950 production, which adapted the true story of a family that raised no more and no less than a dozen children (unlike Martin’s version, which is fictional).
Chicago was a big hit in 2002, winning no less than the Oscar for Best Picture. Curiously, the film is based on a play that had its first film adaptation in 1927. This play later became the musical that inspired the film starring Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Which film would you like to see a remake of? Do you think there are still original ideas, or do you think there are too many repetitions?