10 People Share Things That Improved Their Life So Much, They Wish They Did It Sooner

Tips & tricks
4 months ago

Often, it’s the small changes that can have the most impact on our lives. In this article, 10 people share the life-changing habits, choices, or discoveries that made their lives better. Who knows, maybe their insights could spark a change in your own life too!


  • Stopped watching the news and got rid of all cable and streaming apps. Goodness, life is so peaceful without 24/7 reminders of negativity, and you realize life isn’t that bad.
    confusedjob22 / Reddit

Consuming too much news, especially when it's filled with negative stories, can significantly increase feelings of stress, anxiety, and even depression. Your brain is hardwired to react to threats, and seeing endless reports of bad things happening keeps your brain on high alert. By cutting out news, you're giving your mind a break and allowing yourself to focus more on the positive things around you.


  • I started viewing things as potential experiences. Before that, if I took a class, then I was only focused on the grade. If I couldn’t get a good grade, I didn’t like the class. I wouldn’t even start a book if I thought it might be too hard or too long.
    Then I realized the purpose of it all was to learn, and that hard ones were likely the ones I learned the most from. I started doing all sorts of stuff with the idea that I just wanted the experience. I wasn’t there for the achievement, I wanted to learn things.
    This works socially as well, and I started taking way more risks, telling myself that, at the very least, it would be a learning experience. I saw a saying once: “It’s only a failure if you stop trying, otherwise, it’s an experiment.” I love it.
    zazzlekdazzle / Reddit

Imagine approaching something new, like learning to dance or meeting new people, not because you expect to be the best, but because you’re curious about the experience. It changes the game entirely. You get to learn, grow, and collect stories along the way, which is what life is really about!


  • I stopped living my life just waiting for the weekend. When you work 5 days a week and have just 2 off, it's not good to be always waiting for those 2 days. You can plan something meaningful or fun every day, even if it's just a small thing.
    cake_or_cookies / Reddit
  • Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you must find a way to enjoy every day. At the end of the day, you should say it was a great day or day well spent.
    S1deWalk3r / Reddit

Many of us fall into the trap of counting down the days until Friday, thinking our happiness should only exist on those precious two days off. That means we're only "living" about 30% of the time, and the rest is just waiting. Our overall well-being is improved when we find joy in everyday activities, rather than relying solely on major events or special occasions for happiness.


  • Reading books way more.
    bobbyfreshcuts / Reddit
  • I started reading science fiction and fantasy books instead of everything I read being "great" or "literary" and I found I like reading things I enjoy more than things other people deem relevant or worthwhile.
    posherspantspants / Reddit

Studies show that reading for pleasure, regardless of the genre, has a positive effect on mental well-being. In fact, a report found that reading can reduce stress by 68%. Switching to books that you actually enjoy is a great way to fall back in love with reading.


  • Getting a dog, it really helps with loneliness
    Unknown author / Reddit
  • I understand why people go into crazy cat lady mode now. Pets bring so much comfort. My cats kept me going through my worst years, and I'm so grateful for them.
    loljkbye / Reddit

Having a pet around can decrease stress and anxiety, promote feelings of companionship, and even help reduce symptoms of depression. Dogs, in particular, are great because they need regular walks, which not only gets you outside but also helps you stay physically active.


  • Turning off all push notifications except for essentials like financial apps or important contacts.
    Unknown author / Reddit
  • And silent mode. I forgot what my ringtone is, what a wonderful feeling! Leave me a voicemail or text, those pings don’t rule my life anymore.
    Glitterhidesallsins / Reddit

Push notifications can trigger stress and disrupt your ability to focus. Every time your phone buzzes or pings, it breaks your concentration, which makes it harder to get back into what you were doing. By turning off all those notifications that aren’t essential, you’re giving yourself control over your attention again.


  • I had no idea how much I needed a new bed until my wife talked me into it. Now every time I lay down, it’s like 1000 angels caressing my soul.
    Prossdog / Reddit

Imagine spending most of your life in a bed that doesn’t give you the comfort or support you need. It’s like carrying around unnecessary stress or tiredness every day. That’s why getting a bed that actually supports you is essential.


  • Accepting at 28 that I was a very emotional guy and letting myself cry whenever I needed to. I cried constantly for about a year, as if catching up on all the feelings I repressed my whole life.
    However, it tapered off about a year ago. It’s as if I literally grew thicker skin through truly allowing myself to feel the painful things I felt, and it’s become increasingly difficult to cry like I used to. It felt really good to just let everything out!
    regnarbensin_/ Reddit

Emotions that are bottled up tend to find their way out eventually, and often in unhealthy ways, like anger, anxiety, or even physical symptoms of stress. Allowing yourself to cry and really feel your emotions can be incredibly healing. It's almost like releasing years of pressure that's been building up inside.


  • Throwing out ALL my socks and buying a single type. No more looking for pairs.
    atlantis_airlines / Reddit
  • I did this a few years back and it was a game changer. I still have three types though: calf-height black socks for office work, calf-height white socks for outdoors work in boots, white ankle socks for casual wear or workouts. Laundry day is EZPZ for me. It’s the 47,000 different kinds and colors of socks that my kids have that is the problem.
    KarlMarx*** / Reddit

Getting rid of all the old socks and having only one type means you never have to think twice about matching again. It’s a huge time-saver and takes away that small but annoying hassle. Less stress, less clutter, and more time for the stuff that actually matters.


  • Learning how to do everything myself. Car issue? Look it up. Fix my fence? Look it up. Just do it all myself. Replace valves? Look it up. If they don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
    Unknown author / Reddit

The key is not being afraid to make mistakes. Everyone fails the first few times they try something new. But each mistake is a step towards getting better.

Whether it’s replacing valves or fixing a fence, you’re adding skills to your toolkit that will make you more adaptable. And there’s nothing more satisfying than looking at something you’ve repaired or built with your own hands.

Some real-life experiences are so eerie that they stick with you long after the moment has passed. In this article, people share creepy stories that will send chills down your spine and make you want to sleep with the lights on.

Preview photo credit regnarbensin_/ Reddit


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