10 Real-Life Vacation Stories That Are Scarier Than Any Horror Movie

2 hours ago

Vacations are supposed to be fun and relaxing, but sometimes they turn into real-life nightmares. From eerie encounters in the middle of nowhere to terrifying close calls with danger, these true stories will make you think twice before booking your next trip.

  • Went to Jamaica with a 40+ person wedding party. When we got back to the States people started texting in circles that everyone had HOOK WORMS in their feet and legs. Only about 5 people didn't get them and I was one of the lucky few. Some people had the hookworms travel to their knees. EIemenop / Reddit
  • I was 11, visiting my grandparents in Florida with my unstable dad. He went out, lost his cell phone, and decided that we were leaving. He woke us up in the middle of the night to pack our bags. Cut to the three of us walking down the street with our bags while my grandparents coast next to us begging us to get in the car. We walked for a little while, then caught a cab. Once we got to the airport, I guess my dad realized he couldn't possibly pay for 3 more tickets home, so he lost it, threw his suitcase across the terminal, and left. Just walked out of the airport. Luckily, my grandparents showed up and took us home. Worst Christmas ever. JiveBomber / Reddit
  • My bikini top was pulled off by a large wave in the sea. I could not find it in the water because it was dark colored and so I really panicked. I am very shy and modest and could not handle going out on the beach with no top and covering my chest with my hands. AnettKontaveit / Reddit
  • I had to wear 7 shirts on an 8 hour plane ride so my baggage wouldn't exceed the weight limit. I wore them for the 4 hours I was waiting to board the plane, then I took them off once on board. I smelled like B.O. for the entire flight because I was sweating like crazy at the airport, it was summer. rhartley23 / Reddit
  • Went to Fiji to see some family for 4 weeks, 2nd week in, we go to a beach and while I was running around in the water I feel a sharp pain in my ankle. And then the pain hit me. A $3000 hospital bill and a 5cm deep wound later turns out I’d been stung by a baby stingray; ended up on bed rest and pain meds for the rest of my trip. Had to go back to the Fijian doctors to get my wound repacked as it was deep and wouldn’t close. 15 year old me was not happy. jags1711 / Reddit
  • My ex-boyfriend and I had booked a trip to Hawaii about 4 months in advance. We broke up two months before the vacation. Since two of our good friends were going as well, we tried to be amicable and just go and try to have fun even though things were difficult between us. When we got there, the hotel messed up and booked us in a hotel with one bed rather than singles. They didn't have any more rooms. So I was stuck with my super emotional ex every night bickering about why things would never go right between us/why we were meant for each other. Needless to say, we ruined the trip for everyone. Unknown author / Reddit
  • Went deep-sea fishing for the first time in Mexico. 2 hours in and 30 miles offshore, our boat began to take on water. The life vests had never been used and needed to be set up, our crew hardly spoke English, and we couldn't get a hold of any other boats. Suddenly the captain tells us to walk around the boat up to the bow. On our way there the boat goes out of equilibrium, flips over to the side, and sends everyone flying out underneath the boat. After sitting in the water, peeing my pants for about 30 minutes, hanging on to our spilled bait coolers in shark-infested waters, we were rescued by another boat. They took us back to shore and gave us a 40% refund and some free T-shirts. LittletonLegend / Reddit
  • Ran out of diapers 3 hours into a 7-hour flight with a toddler who developed explosive diarrhea. jonincalgary / Reddit
  • Riding home from a family vacation when we heard a weird noise coming from the back of the car. The back tire then proceeded to explode, scaring us all half to death and the nearing towns were thirty miles in both directions and it was already 4 pm. We were all scared that we would not be able to get new tires. Luckily we hit a tire store at 4:45 by crawling down the highway very slowly to try not to mess up our car. Made it home that night in one piece somehow. HankHillS**tpost / Reddit
  • I was lying on the beach in Rio. Suddenly, everyone around me stood up and began clapping in sync, but no cheering. The sound grew louder. Confused, I asked, “What’s happening?" A man pointed toward the water. I was horrified when I saw a frightened, tearful child wandering alone near the shore. I had no idea what was happening, but everyone seemed to be on it. It felt like a scene from a thriller movie. The man explained, “Brazilians do this to help lost kids. We’ll clap around the kids so the parents can hear and find them.”

    Moments later, the child’s mother rushed over, tears streaming as she hugged her child tightly. I realized how amazing a simple act of collective effort could be. However, I doubt how effective this method actually is and wonder how safe it is for children. Either way, I will never forget the genuine moment of panic I felt before knowing the truth.

And here are 10 funny stories from people who tried to be romantic but failed miserably.

Preview photo credit Kireyonok_Yuliya / Freepik


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