How do you organize your bedroom to sleep better? I don't know
11 Things in Our Bedrooms That Are Just as Bad for Sleep as a Cup of Coffee
We at Bright Side decided to learn more about this phenomenon to know which mistakes we might make when designing our bedrooms and how to avoid them to sleep better.
Old pillows
Pillows should be replaced once every 1.5 years. Memory effect pillows live longer, up to 3 years. But if you are using a 5-6-year-old pillow, chances are your body doesn’t get enough support and your sleep isn’t as comfortable.
To check if you need to replace a pillow, remove the pillowcase and look at the pillow attentively. Are there any sweat stains? Is it torn? Does it have a bad smell? Pillows collect dead skin cells, mold, ticks, and fungi. Over time, up to 1/2 of the pillow’s weight might consist of such unwanted components. And they can cause allergies that will impair your sleep.
Smell sources
There are smells that have a relaxing effect on the nervous system and help us fall asleep. This is why many bedrooms have different smells and fragrances in them. But if there are too many smells, the effect might be the opposite. Don’t use too many fragrances and change them when you are tired of them.
The wrong mattress
Even your favorite sleep position matters. For example, if you prefer to sleep on your side, it’s better to choose a memory foam mattress to relieve the load on the pressure points — the shoulders and the hips. And for those who sleep on their backs, it’s better to sleep on firmer mattresses to keep the spine straight. The same is true for people who sleep on their bellies.
The wrong bed linens
Cotton is believed to be a good material for bed linens, as it’s clean and natural. But it’s not the best choice for sleep. Cotton actively absorbs sweat from hair and skin, which means it has to be washed more often. Besides, it takes a long time to dry, so if you tend to get hot while sleeping, the linen will absorb the sweat and become moist.
A good alternative is silk bed linens. They have good thermal conductivity, which means they’re warm in winter and cool in summer. The linens don’t cause allergic reactions and resist dust mites. They also have a good effect on the skin and hair. So, despite the high price, these are of good quality and worth it.
Lots of plants
Too many plants in the bedroom might also have negative consequences. On the one hand, they produce oxygen and absorb CO2. But on the other hand, dust builds up on them, which might have a negative effect on breathing. Also, some plants can also add CO2 to the air instead of absorbing it.
Don’t remove plants altogether, but be more responsible when choosing them. It’s better to choose the ones that are used to dry climates because they are better at absorbing CO2. Succulents are a good option for a bedroom because they absorb CO2 at night.
The wrong pillow
Choosing the perfect pillow is an individual process. But there are a few criteria. Down pillows may cause an allergic reaction if the down is not clean enough. Synthetic pillows lose shape fast and require replacements. Wool pillows are quite firm but resistant to mold and dust mites.
Memory foam pillows are becoming more and more popular. The shape of the pillow adapts to the shoulder, neck, and head build to take the load off the spine. But they also have a downside — they retain warmth, which might cause discomfort.
The height of the pillow should be enough to bring the shoulders, neck, and head evenly relative to the spine. The pillows that are too high or too low can cause an additional impact on the spine and make your sleep quality worse. The pillowcase should be the exact size of the pillow.
A mechanical clock
Mechanical clocks can be quite noisy sometimes. Usually, we don’t pay attention to the ticking. But when we are trying to fall asleep, the sound may be quite irritating.
A mess
Piles of clothes on the floor and chairs and an overall mess can cause irritation and stress and impair your sleep quality. This is why it’s better to keep your bedroom clean. You can keep boxes with the things you don’t need often under your bed in order not to see them.
It’s not recommended to keep different sources of electromagnetic radiation near your bed — like cell phones, laptops, and TVs. According to some studies, electromagnetic radiation can have a negative effect on melatonin production.
Too much furniture
A cluttered bedroom becomes visually tighter, the furniture collects lots of dust, and the impression of the room is very bad. This is why it’s better to avoid unnecessary furniture in your bedroom. Sleep is better if there are fewer things in the bedroom.
Bright decorations
The bedroom should let your body rest, including your eyes. Bright walls, lots of trinkets, paintings with aggressive pictures, and lots of small details — all these things are irritating. You need to get used to this to fall asleep and sleep well. If you have a calmer design, it’s perfect for sleep.
How do you organize your bedroom to sleep better?

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