12 People Share Bone-Chilling Stories About Their Ex

8 months ago

Ending a love story is always challenging. Some couples find themselves slowly drifting apart, while others face sudden, unexpected revelations or tragic twists of fate that abruptly conclude their relationship. Despite the individuality of each situation, those featured here bravely revisit the pivotal moments when their love stories ended, sharing their experiences with millions online.

  • We fought while we were out, and he left me alone in a parking lot in the middle of the city as it was getting dark. I was 17 or 18 at the time. That was dangerous. He wouldn’t answer his phone, so I ended up walking to a McDonald’s across the street and crying there until I could finally get picked up. A few of his friends were with us at the time, and no one stopped it from happening.
    © castikat / Reddit
  • She thought I was cheating on her. In a fit of rage, she smashed my iPod touch with a meat tenderizer and bleached all my clothes. Later, I found out that she was the one who had been cheating on me. © Big_jerm3 / Reddit
  • After 18 years together, he left me two weeks before Christmas for a younger woman. He took every computer we had in the house, even the iPad, and our only car. I had to do Christmas shopping alone, heartbroken, and on foot during the horrible Canadian weather. It was the worst few weeks of my life and the worst Christmas. © sonia72quebec / Reddit
  • She convinced me to give up my dream job, which included student loan repayment, to move three hours away to her hometown. Three months later, she left me, saying she wasn’t in love with me and hadn’t been for the last 1.5 years. We are now divorced© Unknown author / Reddit
  • She broke up with me over Facebook by changing her relationship status to “in a relationship” with her ex, without even a word to me. © Deathlinger / Reddit
  • My girlfriend of 9 years went to her home country for a “health checkup.” Two weeks later, she updated her WhatsApp profile picture with her wedding photo. There was no breakup message or call— she just got married without even letting me know. © tyriandel_bash / Reddit
  • She lied to me about having terminal brain cancer after I mentioned having uneasy feelings about our relationship. We had been together for 4.5 years. Luckily, as a pre-nursing student, it didn’t take me long to put the puzzle pieces together. Needless to say, we’re not together anymore.
    © seashellular / Reddit
  • He was cheating on me with a direct subordinate from our mutual workplace. When the affair became public and ruined his career and reputation, he blamed me. © flotiste / Reddit
  • I thought we had broken up pretty amicably. There was no yelling, and we both acknowledged that the end had been in sight for a while. Then, I woke up to find my car keyed up and down both sides. © wagne124 / Reddit
  • Once a week, I play soccer with my friends after work. One evening, as I was changing, I saw that my sports socks were sewn together. It was strange, but since I was in a rush, I decided to just keep my work socks on and later forgot about it.

    The next morning, my wife was pale and declared, “We need to talk.” I was horrified to find out that she had sewn my sports socks together because she suspected I was having an affair. If my socks were still sewn, it meant that I didn’t play soccer and instead was meeting a lover. I was shocked and devastated by her mistrust. This was the start of a series of episodes where she tested me and couldn’t believe that I was faithful to her. We ended up divorcing less than a year later.
  • She made arrangements to break the lease without telling me anything. So I got hit with “After seven years, it’s over, and in three weeks you’ll be homeless.” I managed to move in time, but that was extra harsh. © ZarquonsFlatTire / Reddit
  • My last partner pretended to have paranoid schizophrenia throughout our relationship. I found out afterward that it was all a lie. I think there must have been something else seriously wrong for them to invent that. © papillon91 / Reddit

Being cheated on is one of the most heartbreaking feelings to overcome. In this article, we’ve compiled a collection of unique and unexpected stories where infidelity took a disastrous turn.

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