12 People Who Can’t Forget an Eerie Situation That Happened to Them

11 months ago

There are spooky tales that people can’t shake off. Shared with a mix of fear and curiosity, these stories recount strange encounters, like eerie noises at night or ghostly sightings. Despite time passing, these unsettling experiences stay with them. Through the internet, they connect with others who’ve faced similar situations and share their stories in search of a logical explanation.

  • I was doing an audit of a public program. I pulled a sample from something like 60,000 people. There were 12 people with the same name in the same town. I thought this was a clerical error, so I asked for backup. I found out 6 were really different people, but 6 others had the same middle initial and birthday.
    I asked for IDs and they sent me 8. There were 8 people with the same first and last name, same middle initial, same birthday, born in the same area. The two extras were two people with all those similarities, but they both had died. Here is the kicker, they died on the same day.
    I think about this all the time. © Nick357 / Reddit
  • My great-grandmother was in the hospital and died. Because my great-grandfather was elderly and it was 2AM, they rang their daughter, my grandmother, to go and break the news to my grandfather. So, at 2AM, my mother and my grandmother head over to his house to find him up, dressed, coat on, hat on, waiting for them. «Oh, did the hospital call you already?» " No, my wife just came and saw me, told me you were on your way to take me to say goodbye to her body." Utterly true, and always gives me chills when I think about it. © Liquidlino1978 / Reddit
  • For a short period one summer a few years ago, I brought my computer down from my room into the living room area downstairs because my room was a sauna. Everyone else in the house was asleep. It was probably around 1 AM because I was much more of a night owl back then. I was super focused on my screen and didn’t realize just how black my surroundings had gotten.
    I forgot everyone was asleep, and the lights were all off. I started hearing a murmur from behind me. Like somebody whispering just loud enough for me to not make out what they were saying. I also got cold. Very cold. On a hot summer night. My body froze, and I got an extreme case of goosebumps.
    I couldn’t move for a little while. I kept my eyes focused on my screen and did my best to not look away. It eventually subsided, and I ran up to my room to go sleep. I was about 24 or 25 when this happened. © CerberusC24 / Reddit
  • I don’t believe in ghosts, but my dad has told me about a couple of his own experiences. I can’t think of a single reason why he would lie to me about it. But the craziest one he told me was from when he was about 16.
    He was staying the night at his best friend’s house, as he had done many times before. Everyone had already gone to bed, and he was watching TV alone in the living room. Then, the TV shut off on its own, and he heard the floor creek like it does when someone walks down the hall. But nobody was there, and then he saw the seat next to him on the couch become depressed.
    The TV turned back on, but instead of playing his show, it started playing some old black and white cartoons with subtitles. He said at this point he was petrified and couldn’t even move. Then the TV shut back off, the seat inflated, he heard steps back down the hall, and his original show he was watching came back on. © okiedokedudedamn / Reddit
  • I was about 17 and learning to drive. Mom and I had just been to the grocery and running a few errands. It was almost dark out and we were heading home. I was first in line at a left-turn stoplight in a large intersection. The turn arrow light turned green, and I just sat there.
    It was a very odd sensation. I knew the light was green and needed to pull through, but couldn’t. It was like all motivation to move was gone, almost like when you’re staring off into space. But I was fully conscious that the light had changed and turning was what I was supposed to be doing. Mom didn’t say a word either, just stared at the light.
    About 5 seconds later, a full-size Suburban came barreling through the red light. The speed limit on the road was 45mph, but he had to have been doing 65-75mph. The car shook hard when he passed us. After he ran the light, I turned like normal and mom and I both kind of «woke up.»
    Afterward, we both described the same feeling coming over us at the light. If we hadn’t both been «tranced-out,» the Suburban would have struck us broadside. Mom and I would have probably been killed. We still talk about it every now and then. Just a weird experience. © lebowskiachiever12 / Reddit
  • When my sister and I were kids, we were out in front of our home, playing near the mailbox. Mom and dad were there by the window watching, and according to them, my mother turned to my father and asked him to bring us inside. He shrugged her off, but she became more urgent.
    He asked what was the problem, and she suddenly panicked and started heading towards the front door, despite being less than a week away from giving birth to our youngest sister. He stopped her and stepped outside to call us in, and we complied.
    Less than a minute later, a car came barreling down the street at high speed and struck our mailbox, destroying it. We would have both been killed instantly. My parents have never felt entirely comfortable talking about it. © StChas77 / Reddit
  • In 4th or 5th grade, we stopped all of our classes for the day. Two people came into our classroom, a man and a woman, and they didn’t say why they were there or where they had come from. They handed out questionnaire booklets, that seemed like standardized tests, except for the questions within them.
    50 or so questions, all of them «true or false» format, but with really, really weird content. Some that I can remember were «T or F: Worms talk to trucks» and «T or F: Apples are blue.» We all answered them while looking really confused, and our teachers were silent the entire time.
    The next days, nobody said a word about the tests. I remember asking people what they were, but nobody could recall where the people were from. We never saw them again, and no faculty of the school ever once mentioned the tests. We didn’t have them the next year, and had never had them before. I still have no clue what they wanted from us. © The_Ambush_Bug / Reddit
  • I was at a bar with my girl for a night of laughing. This girl my age and who I figured was her mom kept looking at me. The night went on, and they eventually came up to me and apologized for the staring and had decided to explain to me why.
    The old lady told me her daughter had taken her out to this bar tonight to celebrate her now deceased husband’s birthday; and I looked exactly like her husband and was the same age as when they met decades ago. They asked me my name and age, and when I told them, they both started crying. I had the same name as the husband and was the same age as when they met.
    They kept saying they wish they had a picture with them to show me the resemblance. The old lady and daughter asked me to please take a photo with them so they could document this and to have the photo to show the rest of the family, as nobody would believe it happened.
    They were pretty emotional about it and the old lady almost pulled some tears out of me when she asked me to hug her because it was like she was going back in time and was given the chance to hug her husband once again. For the daughter, this was like seeing her father in his prime, and they were both blown away. I couldn’t say no to the photo and hug. The whole thing was very strange and really got me thinking about life. © ClickClack_Bam / Reddit
  • When I was younger, I used to sleep over my best friend’s house a lot. He has an enormous and old house which is also quite beautiful. One night, I woke up and went up these long stairs to the bathroom while it was all really dark. I can’t start to describe the noises I heard while I was in the bathroom.
    I heard steps right outside the door, heard someone scratching the door, and I thought. «This must be my friend pranking me», so I went and opened the door. Nothing, absolutely nothing. The noises stopped suddenly as soon as I opened it.
    I slept in the bathroom that night and recently told my friend now that we are older what happened, and he told me they had their house «purged» a year ago due to weird things happening, specially with his little sister. To be honest, I don’t believe in ghosts nor anything of that kind, but that event was completely troubling. © ChasisOxidado / Reddit
  • When I was pretty young, my mom would always go for runs around the neighborhood during the summer. One afternoon after she had been home from a run for a while I asked her, «Hey mom, can you take me to see that cool car you saw on your run this morning?» and I described it in really great detail, based on how she had supposedly described it to me. She said she had no idea what I was talking about and probably had heard about it on TV or something, and not from her.
    Well, the very next morning she gets back from her run and is super excited and kind of freaked out, because down the street is the exact car I had described. We went and saw it, it was cool.
    That was like 13 years ago, and we still don’t really know how/why that happened. © troywww / Reddit
  • My grandma passed away on Christmas day of 2009. She was my next door neighbor, and left her house in my dad’s name. After her passing, we completely emptied out the house, cancelled the landline, cable, everything.
    The house had been completely vacant for months, but on my birthday the following year, we received a call from her to my house’s landline. Her same phone number, even with her name on the caller ID. I freaked out, and so did my parents. We were all too confused to answer, so we just let the phone ring.
    My dad called the service provider to ask what was going on, but they said her account was closed, and since nobody had been paying for the service, there was no way it could have been working. © itsokaydude / Reddit
  • My dad is driving back from visiting his father. We live about 12 hours away, and he plans on driving straight through. When he pulls over at the first rest stop, a guy walks up and asks for a ride. Dad turns him down.
    Two hours later he sees the same guy hitchhiking on the side of the road, he drives past. Dad stops at a rest stop for a coffee, the man is there and asks for a ride «as far as you’re going» but dad still says no.
    He sees the man again hitchhiking on the road later. Dad’s car starts to have trouble, and he pulls off the highway. At the end of the ramp — yup, that guy again. He offers to help with the car, and together they get it running again. Dad offers him a ride this time.
    The man doesn’t talk, and they drive for a few hours. Next thing, dad wakes up in the hospital. The doctor says he passed out at the wheel, and witnesses saw his passenger take over the wheel and pull the car over. When they stopped to help, though, the passenger wasn’t there. © mercurywaxing / Reddit

If you can never get enough of spine-chilling and bizarre stories, then make sure to head over to this article about people who were right to trust their gut feeling.

Preview photo credit StChas77 / Reddit


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