12 Student Pranks That Teachers Are Unlikely to Forget

5 hours ago

High school years seem to fly by, but some moments stick with us forever. Here are 12 hilarious pranks that students pulled off, ones their teachers are unlikely to ever forget. From clever tricks to unforgettable surprises, these pranks prove that school days are always full of surprises.

  • "Back when I taught first grade, we were doing a writing assignment about Thanksgiving. The kids had to draw a picture of their family celebrating Thanksgiving, and then write about it. One little girl drew the table and chairs, and that was all. I knew she just didn't feel like doing the work, so I tried to prompt her.
    I asked where the food and her family were, and she snapped right back with, 'They're washing the dishes.' Had to give her credit for coming up with a logical argument for not doing the work." ©1robotsnowman / Reddit
  • "In high school, one of my teachers was having a disagreement with a student. I can't remember what it was about, but finally the teacher ask him if she wanted her to call his mother. The student replies, 'Do it, then. My mama will agree with me too.'
    The teacher then asks him to leave her class. He goes, 'You know what, I'm gonna call my mom for you.' He then whips out his cell phone and calls his mom on speaker, 'Hey, ma, this teacher wants to talk to you.' The whole class just lost it." © Unknown author / Reddit
  • "There was literally 30 seconds left of class and my buddy starts to pack up. The teacher didn't seem to mind but when the bell rang and buddy got up to leave the teacher said the classic line 'the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do' and buddy just continues to leave, gets in the doorway of the class and says, 'If it decides when I come, it decides when I leave' and just leaves the class." © Brendan1214 / Reddit
  • "My math teacher is a pretty chill guy and likes to share personal info every now and then, so he decides to tell the class he is getting married this summer break. Most of the class congratulates him and wishes him well, this one girl from the front of the class shouts out, 'It has been legal for a year now, why did you wait this long?'" ©Sheriff_n / Reddit
  • "A classmate was printing the answers on his paper in a veeeerry pale gray, so that it barely can be seen. Still, got caught because the teacher noticed him reading an empty sheet." ©Lars_Ebk / Reddit
  • "College physics, a girl with a really intricate tattoo on her leg wrote formulas in between the tattoo lines. Even looking closely, you couldn't tell unless you knew what you were looking for. You could tell it was a test day because she wore shorts." © ScarthMoonblane / Reddit
  • "I was grading a written assignment that had a 1000 word count minimum and one particular paper just felt really short to me despite word telling me it was roughly 1100 words long. On a hunch I hit CTRL-A and sure enough after the paper concluded there was a lot of white nonsense text on a white background." ©Chaps_and_salsa / Reddit
  • "My teacher shared with us a story about how since she allowed eating during her tests, one person pulled out a giant bag of M&Ms and ate a specific color corresponding to A/B/C/D. It was a two student duo, and they only got caught when another student ratted them out." ©babydragon0 / Reddit
  • "A classmate broke the screen and keyboard of his calculator and hid his cellphone in it, so it couldn't be seen from the teacher's position. The teacher approached him from behind and caught him tho." © torbotoj_ / Reddit
  • "As a student, we used to wear uniforms and leather shoes. As mine's a beater pair, I usually write on them with black ink pens. And when tests came, I angle it just enough to be seen by sunlight. Also, the edges of our uniform (button down shirts) are filled with formulas." ©silentf*rtist / Reddit
  • "In my high school, we had a Facebook group chat with all (almost all) students from the same year. So if two classes had the same teacher, we would get the same tests, but we would always have the exam on the same day.
    So e.g. during the exam someone from my class would take a picture of the exam post it in the group chat and somebody from the other class that weren't having the exam at the moment would send the answers back in the group chat. So everyone (almost) in class would be on their phones and see the answers from the group chat.
    Later the class that was giving us the answers would have the exam having all the answers already because as I said they would get the same exam as we did. Usually used for math, chemistry and physics." ©dejaiv / Reddit
  • "One of my old teachers told us a story about a student who had rigged up a tiny scroll of paper in a wristwatch with notes written on it. He turned the scroll by winding the watch. He ended up getting caught because he was winding his watch so damn much during the exam, but the teacher loved the creativity." © vancouver-duder / Reddit

Before you go, make sure to read another article where we discussed Michael Jackson’s half-sister and the reasons she was allegedly "rejected by the family." It’s a fascinating and emotional story you won’t want to miss.

Preview photo credit Sheriff_n / Reddit


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