13 Disturbing Revelations That Could Outshine Hitchcock’s Horrors

3 months ago

Discovering unexpected secrets about the people we hold dear can profoundly impact our lives. Whether it’s concealed pasts or unspoken truths, these revelations have the power to reshape how we view our relationships and even steer the course of our decisions. The 13 stories we’ll delve into today reveal experiences so shocking that they’ve left people grappling with a storm of intense emotions.

  • When I was 8, my mom died suddenly. Many years later, I found old records from when she stayed in a psychiatric hospital for depression. In the notes, I discovered a disturbing detail—so disturbing that it made me question everything: the therapist mentioned that my mother never wanted to talk about me—not even once. She had never even acknowledged my presence.

    After some time and persistence from the therapist, my mother confessed that she didn’t want me and that it was my father who insisted I be born. When I was two months old, she took me and left me in front of a hospital on a cold winter night. Luckily, my father found me and brought me back.

    I always knew my mother was cold towards me, but I had always assumed the reason was other problems in her life. It turns out I was the reason for her depression. I wish I had never found those old records.
  • A good friend of mine, whom I’d known for over 20 years, died in 2021. I noticed a bunch of children at the funeral whom I didn’t know. I asked who they were, and I was told they were his children. He had told me he had no kids, but he actually had 10. Ten kids!
    © CascadeJ1980 / Reddit
  • I found out that my ex had an affair with his brother’s wife, breaking up their marriage and making every family event... weird. I was the only one who didn’t know—for six years. They were all so secretive and strange until I finally figured it out. © prettysoitworks / Reddit
  • My dad has a sister that he never talks about, and I have never met. I don’t even know her name.

    I found out about her over dinner one night when my grandma was over. I don’t remember the context, but my grandma commented to my dad along the lines of, “Your sister enjoys this type of food.” I looked at my dad in confusion—I had always thought he was an only child. My dad just stared down at his plate and stayed quiet.

    I still haven’t mentioned it or asked my dad about it, so I’m assuming he thinks I’ve forgotten about the dinner conversation. So yeah, I have an aunt out there somewhere whom I’ve never met, and I still don’t know her name. It’s pretty weird. © AlphaBetaCHRIS / Reddit
  • We were living together, and I was pregnant. He pretended to go to work for months. He often had money on him, so I never questioned it. Come to find out, when I went to buy a house in my name only because he had terrible credit, there was a credit card in my name that I knew nothing about. He had been taking money from the card in place of a paycheck! Needless to say, I dumped him. He never paid any support to his daughter, and he died a few years later.
    © brenda0923 / Reddit
  • I know my stepdad went back to his ex-wife the day before he was supposed to marry my mom and begged her to take him back. He took my little stepsister along as leverage, hoping to have her plead with “mommy” to take “daddy” back too. She didn’t, and they got married anyway.

    This was almost 25 years ago. I don’t know if my mom knows, and I don’t know if my little sister remembers. © howsthatwork / Reddit
  • The first time an ex of mine and I got into a big fight was when I didn’t come to see her and celebrate the day she was accepted to an Ivy League university. She had been talking about it for months, made a huge deal when she got in, and was angry that I didn’t rush right over.

    I found out a few months later that she had not applied to Yale or any other colleges. It turns out she was a pathological liar and had made up countless other things throughout our relationship. © Unknown author / Reddit
  • A childhood best friend of mine had a mother who constantly went on vacations alone to “Florida.” It turns out she was actually in the psych ward. © lokeilou / Reddit
  • My father has a whole other family he refuses to acknowledge. Apparently, my dad’s first wife cheated on him multiple times. My dad found out and forgave her, but she left him anyway. They have a son together, but my father has absolutely no contact with them.

    It baffles me that my dad would leave his son forever and that, in all my life, he has never mentioned him even once. My mom told me about it when I was around seven because my half-brother came to the house looking for my dad. After that day, we never heard about him again.
    © catscarscalls / Reddit
  • When my grandfather died, he left approximately $140,000 in a trust for me. It wasn’t to be touched until after my parents passed away so it could gain as much money as possible from the investments he had arranged.

    One day, I got a call from the bank asking how I’d like to handle closing the accounts. I had no idea why, but apparently, my parents had been taking their medical bills, altering them to have my name on them, and submitting them to the bank to be “reimbursed” for paying my medical bills. They had bled the trust completely dry in less than five years, using the money to remodel their home.

    I don’t think I have any recourse, but whatever. I’m 35, and I have my retirement. It just makes me mad that they would steal from me like that. © NHValentine / Reddit
  • My ex and I were best friends, and the relationship was great. We were together for about five years when I found out I was pregnant. When I told him I was expecting, he informed me that he was married! © sweet_sin / Reddit
  • My mom showed signs of Multiple Sclerosis at age 30. I discovered that my dad quickly opened a life insurance policy on her without her knowing. Sad. Maybe smart, but still sad.
    © longhorn2118 / Reddit
  • I found out that my dad paid his brother to break into my mum’s house when they divorced. He wonders why our relationship hasn’t been the same since, but I just can’t bring myself to tell him the reason why or that I know all about it.
    Kids have ears and brains and can figure out way more than adults think.
    © YMCAle / Reddit

Shock and disbelief hit harder when they involve someone we hold close to our hearts. In this article, people uncovered unsettling and deeply disturbing truths about their partners—truths that still haunt them to this day.


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