15+ Easy Tricks You Can Use to Get Astonishing Photos

3 years ago

We’ve all opened Instagram and seen some awesome artsy photos, but luckily we can easily pull off these tricks at home. Chris Hernandez, aka cnhphotography is a fantastic photographer from Los Angeles who shows his followers how they can create some incredible photos with a touch of creativity and a pinch of editing.

Here at Bright Side, we enjoy seeing the results of Hernandez’s work, so today we’ve collected some of his amazing photos, along with how he achieves them so that you can recreate them yourself.

1. “Peek-a-boo!”

2. “Rock your best Wednesday Addams!”

3. “Your own flower garden”

4. “Read all about it.”

5. “Siren of the swamp”

6. “Picture perfect”

7. “A pink party”

8. “Queen of the jungle”

9. “Let it go!”

10. “Breaking free”

11. “Queen of the castle”

12. “Beachy raindrops”

13. “Sweet dreams”

14. “It’s sublime.

15. “Behind a painter’s canvas”

16. “Heart strings”

17. “Is the sky breaking?”

18. “Make use of those rainy days!”

Do you have your own tricks for taking photos? Maybe you even have an artistic photo to share? Have you used any of these tricks before?

Preview photo credit cnhphotography / Instagram


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