15 People Who Lost Their Patience and Found a Way to Stand Up for Themselves

2 months ago

We all would like to live in a world where all people behave politely and honestly. But, alas, there are still rude and insolent people. And how pleasant it is to find out that there are those who can take them down a peg.

  • They say the younger generation is lazy, doesn't want to work. And I like these guys! They managed to bring my greedy employer to heel. These zoomers come to an interview and say from the start, "Ugh, the furniture in the office is old. No health insurance? Long hours? What do you mean you give a bonus once a year? I want payment for every overtime at once. No? Goodbye." Now we have new furniture in our office, health insurance, paid overtime, and a more loyal attitude to vacations. © GreenEzhzh-k8r / YouTube
  • I heard this story. Pretty big city. A man is a rare specialist, doing a desk job. It's a long way to work, traffic jams. He says to his boss, "I want to work remotely." The boss refuses. The man quit, quickly found a remote job in the capital. His salary became twice higher. And the former director orders projects from him on a freelance basis. And pays more too. There are no more people waiting for a vacancy outside the fence.
  • I'm an intern at the grocery shop. I didn't even have time for lunch on my first day. The shop assistant calls me aside and whispers, "Did you know that they don't pay to interns?" So, I go to the manager, "What does it mean?" And she's batting her eyes. So, I put my waistcoat on her shoulders and cheerfully say, "Well, go ahead then, unload the truck, and I'll go." And all this in front of the customers. You should have seen her face! Then I found out that the manager lost her bonus for not telling the truth about the internship. A trifle, but nice. © VladimirServerovich / YouTube
  • I was dating a 50/50 guy. The last straw was the following episode. He brought a bouquet, although I said that I don't like flowers. He said he was now expecting a gift in return. So, I handed him the bouquet back, saying, "My gift to you!" His eyes bulged, "Why do I need flowers?" I told him I didn't need flowers either. And I broke up with him.
  • A friend's dad works as a locksmith. There is a lot of work, things are going well in the company. Suddenly, the boss announced that the payouts would be delayed. So the entire team threatened that if they didn't have the money by tonight, they would all quit. The boss miraculously found the money immediately!
  • I read a wild story about a construction site. The excavator operator went to the toilet. The boss showed up, saw it and said that the equipment shouldn't stand idle. He didn't care if people had to go to the toilet. He fined the guy $1,000 for this. But the guy found out about it only on his payday. He quit immediately, and the boss hired some rookie who dropped the excavator into the pit! Fortunately, no one got hurt, except for expensive equipment and the boss's wallet.
  • A friend found a job after university, they took her on probation. First day on the job. Everything was going well, but then her boss came up and said, "Oh, there was a mistake, your salary will be 2 times less than the agreed amount." So the friend said, "Okay. Can I leave for lunch?" She went out and never came back. If they lie on the first day, you can't expect anything good further on.
  • Worked as a sales manager. Sausage business. Supplies from abroad, so you have to know a foreign language. You know, I liked that job, I was good at it. But! I worked for a bad company. I worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., sometimes I didn't even had time to eat because of the workload. And the boss said that I wasn't doing enough! He wouldn't let me go on vacation. I got angry and resigned. He was looking for a replacement. 6 months later I found out that they hadn't found anyone to replace me! Yeah, who said that no one is irreplaceable?
  • I live in a regional coastal town in Australia, and used to work in a great little family run cafe. One summer, during school holidays, on a heaving Sunday morning, I was zooming around doing a quick dish run and started clearing some empty mugs from an older lady with her 2 young grandchildren. She had just received her breakfast and was adding condiments to her 2 pieces of toast. She stopped me and said “I’m just looking at the menu and I can see that I paid the same price ($3) for each of these 2 pieces of toast, but they aren’t exactly the same size.” I look at her toast and they are both large, but one is approximately 10% smaller than the other. She stares at me and says again, “They aren’t the same size, but I paid the same for each of them, that’s not really fair?” I realize she’s serious and say, “Fine, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” I take her toast to my boss, tell her the story, and she’s like, "Say no more friend, I’ve got it,” proceeds to cuts 2 equal size slices of bread from the smaller end of a loaf, and toasts them perfectly. I then have the pleasure of taking 2 pieces of obviously smaller toast to the lady, and say, "Here’s your 2 pieces of toast - the same size!" The look of shock, turn anger, turn embarrassment on her face was absolutely delicious. © Fairly_equal_toasts / Reddit
  • A friend called me last week, bragging that she'd found a wallet with $500 in it. She was having money problems at the time, so she kept the money, although there were cards in the wallet, and a note with a phone number. So, it was possible to return it to the owner. I don't approve of such "finds." I either try not to pick them up at all, or I look for the owner, which I informed my friend about. But she said that if she found this money, then it was meant for her. And so she calls me this morning in tears, says she did something wrong at work and was fined. Do you know how much? $500! But the friend still didn't understand anything. © Work Stories / VK
  • I was given more and more unrelated responsibilities until I was doing the jobs 4 people. One day I was brought into my boss's office and told that they had found someone fresh out of college that will be taking over my job. The boss said, "Take everything that is yours. you won't be coming back." Well, I took a beautiful revenge. I went and got all my things. I should explain that the company provided audio-visual support of events. I had to buy the equipment from my own pocket: the company had no money for it. All this equipment had my name on it, and I kept all the receipts. In short, the company was left without equipment. I still remember the fear in the boss's eyes. He thought I'd leave with a paper box.
    The company only lasted another year before they folded entirely and I like to believe that I had a hand in that. © everybodys-therapist / Reddit
  • My husband and I are saving for a new house. The daughter of his distant relatives got sick. The mother-in-law, apparently, the enemy to her own son, told them about our savings, and in all seriousness believes that we have to get this girl treated at our expense, deprived of the opportunity to buy our own house. Let her parents sell their flat and treat their own child. When we buy our house, we won't let the mother-in-law on the doorstep. This stupidity, arrogance and the desire to be good at someone else's expense pisses me off. © Overheard / Ideer
  • A few years ago I found out my (now ex) husband was having multiple affairs. I contacted the women in an attempt to figure out what was going on, timelines, etc. Most of the women were lovely and I held no contempt or anger for them, they were victims of lies and deception too. But one woman took a different approach, she was rude and abusive, accusing me of being controlling, frigid, fat, etc. Unfortunately she was in Ireland and we were in Australia, so no chance to confront her. I tried to just move on and deal with my real problems. But, I couldn’t shake the audacity. So, I looked up her socials. She was hard out obsessed with Australian MasterChef. Being a fan myself I knew that the show was aired and concluded in Australia before it was shown in Ireland. So I screenshot the winning dish and mentioned her in a tweet containing the details of the winner and the runner up and the winning dish photo. Then I set an alarm in my phone and did the exact same thing one year later. After the second spoiler she put her Twitter account on private. © nelinthemirror / Reddit
  • I have an acquaintance whom I call "professional helpless." No matter what happens in her life, she needs help from everyone around her at once. She was in hospital for a routine check-up. On the first day, I brought her a dressing gown and slippers that she had "forgot", her ex-boyfriend brought the charger, a friend brought vitamins, and a neighbor brought water. We all live in the same courtyard and were very surprised to meet in the reception area. Why not ask one person to bring everything? Why bugging a bunch of people? After a couple of similar occasions, I realized that she needed to be surrounded by helpers. I shamelessly stopped helping her - I am not a trained dog. And recently I found out that both her ex and her neighbor did the same. © Overheard / Ideer

And here are a few stories about job seekers who thought their arrogance would get them the desired position.


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