15 People Who Prove It’s Never Too Late to Make a Fresh Start, Even If It’s Not Monday

2 years ago

Most of us feel tempted to put off our plans till Monday. It seems like we’ll be more disciplined at the beginning of the week. Yet, once the time comes, new projects appear, and we lose all enthusiasm. These people, however, stuck to it no matter what, and we can’t help but admire their progress.

1. “Skrillex shows off his new look.”

Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, © PopCrave / Twitter

2. “That picture was taken when I was 22 years old, but I looked exactly like that at the beginning of my journey when I was 24!”

3. “Yesterday someone said they saw no difference in the face.”

4. “These are 2 completely different people.”

5. “Got that nice Timothée Chalamet thing going on.”

6. “What losing 132 lb did to my face!”

7. “Didn’t realize I was carrying 220 extra pounds in my face, but here we are!”

8. “I have a jawline now.”

9. “I developed a new face shape since 2017.”

10. “I am halfway to my goal.”

11. “Been stagnating for a few months, recently added workouts to try and reach my goal weight.”

12. “It does feel weird to get compliments from women. I’ve been so overweight since I was a kid.”

13. “My favorite part about weight loss is the change in how the nose looks. So subtle yet makes a lot of difference.”

14. “I went from sedentary to moving nonstop. A lot of walking and no social media — I spend my time at home decluttering!”

15. “What losing 66 lb did to my face”

How have you changed recently? How easy is it for you to make a change?

Preview photo credit Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP/East News, PopCrave / Twitter


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