15+ Pet Stories That Animal Lovers Can Perfectly Understand

3 months ago

Surely every pet owner has a couple of memorable stories to tell about their furry friends. How they can skillfully manipulate us, how they give us their love and warmth. And even how we have to pump up our culinary skills for their sake.

  • My cat has always been very fond of my girlfriend. I always thought that the cat's heart belonged to her, but only until last week. My fluffy friend suddenly began to do nasty things to her: he broke the bottle of her favorite perfume, then tore her lace pajamas.
    We didn't know what to do, thought of taking him to the vet, when suddenly my beloved confessed that she cheated on me. We parted with her, and the cat, apparently, saw everything and tried to get rid of her. © Chamber 6 / VK
  • I got a dog. And for the first time in 4 years, I began to get acquainted with the neighbors and dog people from the neighboring streets. And they are all nice and interesting.
    And I am so shocked about how many good people live nearby, and I get fresh air 3 hours a day, and so much joy. The dog is my salvation! © Overheard / Ideer
  • We were watching my parents' dog at our house for a week. I went downstairs where she liked to hang out, and on my way down, Hubby told me he was cutting up a banana. He knew the dog loved bananas, and he wanted to give her a piece or 2, so he told me to let her know.
    I refilled her water bowl and told her, "Hubby has something for you." She had been lying down, but when she heard, she immediately lifted up her head, perked up her ears and looked at me with interest. I said, "Yeah, he's upstairs. Go see." She immediately got up and went upstairs.
    I never once said the word "banana" or any other "keywords" that I thought would've got her excited. I don't know if it was my tone or if "X has something for you" was something my parents told her all the time, but I was extremely amused how she seemed to know exactly what I was saying. © Merkuri22 / Reddit
  • All night I dreamed I was running away from monsters. They chased me, trying to grab me and tear me apart with their sharp claws and teeth. Eventually, I was exhausted and fell to the ground, waiting for the inevitable end. The huge monster approached me with a snarl and started gnawing on my legs.
    I woke up in a cold sweat. It turned out that the cat that had been chasing mosquitoes around the room was using me as a springboard for its dangerous jumps. The little, furry, clawed rascal! © Chamber 6 / VK

"My grandma is babysitting my dog while I’ve been away and the latest update is apparently my dog thinks she’s a cat and has been finding any elevated space to nap on, and she looks like she’s taken over."

  • I was out for a walk with my pregnant dog. On our way home, we got into the elevator with my neighbor. Suddenly, the elevator stopped. We barely got through to the dispatcher, she said that the elevator operator would be there soon.
    We waited for a long time, and then the dog went into labor! I'm shocked, I have nothing with me, and how to perform delivery in an elevator?! And then my neighbor says, "Don't worry, we'll do everything in the best way, I'm a surgeon."
    And she pulls a medical kit out of her bag: gloves, nappies and so on. By the time we were released, we had successfully delivered all 4 puppies! And she even took one for herself when it got older. © Ward #6 / VK
  • 6 months ago, we got 2 kittens. Since then, they've grown big and cheeky. We have angels hanging in the corridor, which rattle when touched.
    So these 2 furry little buggers climb up on a chair and jiggle the little angels like a bell until they get something to eat. On my way, sirs! © Overheard / Ideer
  • Dog comes into the room before bedtime. Looks at me. Me: "Hi, pupster, do you want to get your toy before you go to sleep? It's in the living room." Pup: trots all the way to the living room, gets his toy, comes back and plops down on his bed.
    I knew he could understand a lot of what I say, I'd talk to him like a person - but my roommate had her jaw on the floor. She was like: "He understands English?" I'm like: "I guess so." © Loading_Username_001 / Reddit
  • My nephew has a cat and a dog. The cat is small and skinny - his name is Timon. And the big and fat dog is called Pumbaa, naturally.
    I am glad that modern children still watch good cartoons. And I love to visit my nephew and play together with his pets. With them, it's like I'm going back to my childhood. © Chamber 6 / VK

"Every evening when I come home, I see this, and it makes me feel warm."

  • Our family had a cat who lived with us for more than 15 years. He was always an awesome guardian of our house. He protected every corner from annoying mice and other rodents. Even when he became deaf and almost blind because of old age, he didn't cease to control the peace in the house.
    At one point, our dog began to help him! She would run around the property and try to find mice! On those rare days when she succeeded, she would bring them home and put them in front of the cat to show off and let him know that the house was in good hands. © Ward #6 / VK
  • My cat noticed that I would tap my husband on the shoulder if I wanted to get his attention (he uses headphones often). He started mimicking this, and now reaches up and taps us on the arm like a toddler would to get our attention. It's pretty adorable (and effective!). © acidic_tab / Reddit
  • I love and adore my cat. When I was in my twenties, my boyfriend dumped me after emptying my credit card and stealing rent money. And I was in the city alone.
    At that moment I got a cat, she came to me in the street. I had just found a job, for not very much money yet, but with a good career prospect. I remember eating only office biscuits and tea at work, because there was nothing else to eat. I spent the money I had on rent, commute and food for my cat.
    I remember when my cat got sick, I spent all the money I had on her treatment and special food. I ate every other day to save money. I cried the nights away. I did that for 6 months, then I got promoted, got a bigger salary.
    And all that time, I held on to my cat because I was afraid she'd be thrown out to the street. But that cat always waited for me, comforted me, slept with me, even when she was sick. © Overheard / Ideer

"I bathed and brushed my cat. She got offended."

  • A friend of mine once had a rat that gave birth. They didn't keep an eye on them, and at one point little rats ran away. The house is old, lots of cracks. They thought they caught them all.
    So, little rats live and grow. But one doesn't grow. They bought it vitamin food and special drops. But it still doesn't grow.
    They took it to the vet. He looked and said, "You have an adult house mouse, but a very fat one." So, a mouse got to paradise: warm, lots of food, water, and entertainment. I'm jealous. © Becouse1977 / Pikabu
  • Once a friend of mine decided that her cat and parrot needed a friend, and brought home a rabbit. The animals became friends and everything was fine until the rabbit started hiding under the bathtub all the time. She would only come out to eat and drink.
    The owner decided to find out what was under the bathtub. She looked there and saw 4 pairs of eyes of well-fed rabbits. So it became clear that the rabbit was not just well-fed when she was brought into the house. Then it was fun to visit them and see 5 fluffy butts scattering in all directions. © muhamuhaha / Pikabu
  • My cat has discovered my dog's bed, that he rarely uses, is bigger than hers. My dog has discovered she is using his neglected bed and has now decided he must use it immediately when he sees her on it. He barks at her and boops her with his nose, she just gets even more comfortable and looks at him as if to say, "Ya right kiddo, you know who's boss around here!" © sleepysphynx / Reddit
  • A couple of weeks ago, a friend of my wife temporarily left a Pomeranian to us. It's very difficult and expensive to find the right food for this animal. I decided to follow the advice of breeders and cook him rice on meat broth. It's worth mentioning that I cook very well, but I have always had problems with rice.
    Completely by accident, I came across a recipe for cooking rice without problems! For 20 years I couldn't make it properly for myself, but for the dog I managed to cook it from the first time. He eats it with pleasure. © user65436** / Pikabu

And here's another bunch of stories about pets that prove life won't be the same without them.

Preview photo credit Becouse1977 / Pikabu


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