15 Amusing Stories That Only Parents Have the Privilege of Being Part Of

Children aged 3 to 6 experience rapid brain growth, so it’s no wonder they manage to come up with lots of witty things. Even if they’re older than 6, it doesn’t mean they stop being funny. Their thoughts may be so hilarious that we can’t help but wonder how they get such ideas and put them into words. There’s no doubt we will remind them of what they said 10 years later.

Bright Side found 15 stories that only children could come up with.


My uncle took his son (around 6-7) out to dinner one night, and they ran into my uncle’s boss. My uncle says to his son, “[Son], this is Daddy’s boss.” The kid gets this look of absolute rage on his face and declares, “You’re not my daddy’s boss! My mommy’s my daddy’s boss!”
anglerfishtacos / Reddit


My 3-year-old daughter was a flower girl for my sister-in-law. Some random old aunt walked up to her and exclaimed, “Oh, sweetheart, you are a princess!” My daughter looked at her and said, “No! I’m a drama queen!”
CootieM0nster / Reddit


I was observing an elementary school teacher, and she asked her students if they had any questions for me. The first question I got was, “Where exactly did you get your hair cut? Because my mom’s hair looks terrible.”
my2amdoodles / Reddit



I was on a road trip with my friend and her 6-year-old nephew, and he’s in the backseat, talking.
My friend said, “Jake, who are you talking to?”
“Well, what are you talking about?”
After 5 long seconds of silence, Jake said, “I don’t know. I wasn’t listening.”
186282_4 / Reddit


When my kiddo was about 4 years old, I heard him talking to himself in the bathroom and went to check on him. He was using a piece of cardboard to push a spider in the direction of the bathtub, talking to the spider the entire time. “Excuse me, sir. Pardon me, sir, can I invite you to perhaps travel this way? Oh, no, not that way, sir. Over here, sir. Pardon me, sir, I don’t feel you’re listening...”
chickaboomba / Reddit


In the car on the way to have his baby sister, he hears his mom on her phone telling her parents that her water broke. After she hangs up, he says, “Mommy, your water broke?” “Yeah, honey...” He reaches for the water bottle in his car seat cup holder and says, “Here, Mommy, you can have mine.”
AirForce_Juan / Reddit



I helped a small girl about 4 years old pick out a prize. She chose a small purse that had an animal picture on it. We had several different animals, so I went through them all with her. When I got to one with a cow on it, she ecstatically said, “Stop, I want the cow one! I love cows because they are yummy!” I couldn’t fault her logic.
Keepit*** / Reddit


My brother asked his 6-year-old son what he wanted to be when he grows up. He said that during the week he wanted to be a construction worker so he can build homes for homeless people, which, of course, got an “Aww!” Then he said, “And on the weekends, I want to be a clown.”
martia_larts / Reddit


I was babysitting a 6-year-old when she asked me:
“How many people are in the world?”
“We’re around 7 billion!” I showed her how big the number was by writing it down.
“Wow...there must be at least 168 parents out there...”
Valkyrie7575 / Reddit



When I was 4, my dad got pulled over, and I screamed, “I have to poop!!!” and the cop let my dad go. When he took me to the bathroom, my dad couldn’t stop laughing after I told him I didn’t have to poop, I just didn’t want him to get a ticket. Sure hope my kids return the favor.
BunAndLeggings / Twitter


My 3-year-old niece, while I was driving her home one day, said, “I knew the dinosaurs would come and get me one day.” (She said this with a sigh of acceptance). There were 2 large cranes working on a bridge.
AgnesofthePunk / Reddit


I told my nephew a watermelon was gonna grow in his stomach because he ate some of the seeds and I kid you not, he looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Nope, because there’s no sunlight, so you’re wrong and college has failed you.” He’s 7.
kganyasp / Twitter

What hilarious things did you say when you were little? What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard a child say?

Preview photo credit kganyasp / Twitter


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