15+ Touching Photos That Show the Essence of a Father’s Love

Family & kids
2 years ago

To many of us, fathers are like superheroes who can easily compete with the Marvel Universe characters. We felt this way when we were children, and sometimes we continue to feel this way even in adulthood. Today, we would like to share some touching stories about fathers with you. And in the bonus section, you’ll see that celebrity dads can be cool guys not only on screen but also in real life.

“My world changed today.”

“My son’s shirt hadn’t dried when it was time for him to catch the bus, so I told him I’d drop it off at the school office when it was ready.”

“I hope he enjoys my little surprise!”

“I’m wearing a Father’s Day gift from my girlfriend’s son — who already sees me as a father figure.”

“Do you ever just look at your kid and think, ’Wow, I don’t know how I created something so beautiful?’”

“I became a father today! By far the best day of my life.”

“My son is about to take off walking by himself. Crawling he never cared much for, and I’ve had some concerns, but look at this!”

“My daughter asked if I could make a flower in her ice cream. I did my best.”

“New dad here and this face is all I can think about.”

“I don’t have a lot of friends but I really want to tell someone. My little guy lost his first tooth!”

“After a decade of hearing that we’d not be able to have a child, this little miracle arrived. We are ecstatic.”

“The look on her face makes every day worthwhile.”

“That 1% chance baby made it home and into my arms! We couldn’t be happier.”

“Buy your kid, regardless of gender, a kitchen. I get more done when I ask my son to ‘make me lunch’ than any other toy out there.”

“I built a playground for my kid. Bonus back pain for me.”

“My son and I won a Lego set on a string cutting game.”

“My son makes me smile all the time. I love him tons.”

“I took my son ice fishing for the first time yesterday. He caught a fish and I didn’t. Seeing that smile, I’m glad it wasn’t the other way around.”

“I built my daughter a lemonade stand using her old loft bed.”

Bonus 1: Ryan Reynolds with his daughters on the red carpet.

Bonus 2: Orlando Bloom and his son Flynn are very close.

They even posed in front of the cameras on the Hollywood Walk of Fame together.

Elizabeth Goodenough / Everett Collection / East News, Max DeAngelo, PacificCoastNews / East News

Tell us the touching stories about your fathers.

Preview photo credit AXELLE / BAUER-GRIFFIN / East News, Frank Trapper / Corbis Entertainment / Getty Images


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