16 Pictures That Show We Can Create a Bond Anytime

year ago

Spending time with people we love can be more beneficial than we might imagine. According to studies, people who share healthy bonds with their friends and family cope better with stress, enjoy better psychological well-being, and might even live longer. That’s more than enough reasons to go and hug those who are special in our lives.

1. “My parrotlet likes cuddling, I love her so much.”

2. “My daughter got her first backpack and now we match. Off to daycare and work.”

3. Did he shrink, or maybe they switched heights?

4. “’Fine. You and the kids can get a cat, but I still hate cats. That’ll NEVER change!’ - My wife, 2 weeks before this picture”

5. “My new Golden Retriever puppy meeting another dog at the vet”

6. “Found a tiny bean last week crying all alone out in the cold. Decided to keep her. Welcome to the fam, Luna girl.”

7. “While my boyfriend and I were waiting for the train at the station, a cute cat came and sat down with him without asking.”

8. “A blessing box that someone made in a neighborhood near us. ’Take what you need, leave what you can. We are in this together.’”

9. “My mom found this Monarch butterfly who can no longer fly.”

“She made him a nice terrarium to live out his days, with plenty of sugar water and some nice scenery.”

10. “I was exhausted and stressed while working. One of my coworkers left cookies on my door step.”

“She had no idea I was having a bad day, and just wanted to do something nice.”

11. “Helped rescue a little kitten today. She’s as big as my hand.”

12. “I work in a daycare, a few kids who aged out of the program this school year made me this.”

13. “The best part of working from home.”

14. “I married my best friend on Friday. I have honestly never been happier. I didn’t think this kind of love was real until I met him.”

15. “This morning, I picked up my daughter, and she gave me this big hug for at least 5 minutes.”

“We just stood there and hugged, and my wife took this photo of us.”

16. “This guy’s sweater in front of me.”

“Dear person behind me,
you look great today!
Lots of love,
the person in front of you.”

Who are the people you share a special bond with? We would love to know in the comments.

Preview photo credit Snoo45323 / Reddit


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#2 The little girl with the backpack looks identical to Bonnie in Toy Story 3. She's absolutely adorable!


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